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"Animals. Soccer dog with ball" Humorous old vintage Belgian postcard
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"Little girl playin g with a bird" Modern Spanish photo postcard 1970s
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Beavers, Little Girl, Boy, Trained, Grave Hill Road, Barnesville, New Brunswick
"Cat and matresses" Modern German photo postcard 1960s
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"Animals. Boxer Dog" Modern Spanish photo postcard 1970s
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"Cat nap" Modern French artist photo postcard,. Size 17 x 12 cms.
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"Two cats" Modern German photo postcard 1960s
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"HorsE Head" Modern German photo postcard 1970s
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"HorsE Head" Modern German photo postcard 1970s
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WY Mule Deer Fawns Yellowstone National Park Wyoming Postcard Animals
Birds Colorful Parrots At Parrot Jungle Miami Florida
Horse Man O'War Statue Paraway Farm Lexington Kentucky 1959
"Funny donkey. Smoking is a pleasure" Modern Spanish photo postcard 1970s
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"Doctor" Brushing Teeth Of Pilot Whale At Marineland Of Florida
Dressed Cats Singing We Won't Go Home Until Morning 1909
Deer Oklahoma Whitetail Fawn
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Pronghorn Antelope Western United States
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Birds Gambel Quail
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"Animals. Bulldog" Modern German photo postcard 1960s
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"Group of horses running in the fields" Modern Italian photo postcard
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"Donkeey. What an ass I am!" Humorous modern Spanish photo postcard
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"Dogs. Two puppies España" Modern Spanish tourist photo postcarsd 1970s
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"Bonzo Dog type. She's given me the wrong number.." Old vintage Eng...
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"Funny dog looking himself in the mirror" Old vintage Dutch artist drawn postca
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White Tail Kaibab Squirrel Kaibab National Forest Arizona
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Cats Best Wishes For The New Year 1909
Birds Greater & Lesser Yellowlegs Group Natural History Museum Chicago Illinois
Baby Opossums
Beisa Oryx At Los Angeles Zoo California
Alligator In The Florida Everglades
Horse Palomino Stallion King Of The Rockies
Buffalo Or Bison Painting By Don R Eckleberry 1966
Sea Lions On Seal Rocks San Francisco California
Monkeys Orangutan Excersing Brighouse England Real Photo
"Birds" Small Spanish pocket calendar card , year 2008. Size 7 x 10 cms.
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"Little boy caressing his cat" Lovely modern artist drawn postcard
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"Persian cat" Modern Swish photo postcard 1970s
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"Kids 'n' Cats, by Jenny Hill" Lot of 3 modern English ca...
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"Fanny dog. Don't cry it will get better" Modern French humoro...
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Cats Loving Birthday Wishes 1926
Colorado Rocky Mountain Big Horn Sheep Real Photo
"Como te lo montas?, by Jim Davis" Garfield American postcard
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"Boy pushing donkey with girl on, by Jimmy" Old vintage Spanish artist signed PC
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"Horse. L'Infirmerie Veterinaire" Humorous old vintage French,...
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"Little girl riding her donkey" Old vintage French photo postcard
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Little boy talking to his dog" Old vintage Spanish photo postcard
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"Kitten with carnation flowers" Modern Spanish photo postcard 1970s
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"Girl paying with her dog" Vintage Italian photo postcard 1950s
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