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Bears Postcard
" What have to do with the horse during the day" Curious old vintage French PC
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"HorsE Head" Modern German photo postcard 1970s
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"Chick on paper boat. Easter eggs" Modern French greetings, artist drawn, postc
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"Wild Animals. Giraffes" Old vintage Swiss, artist signed, postcard
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Dogs A Las Vegas Ranch Bulldog Real Photo
"Puppies playing in garden, birds" Lovely Spanish PC, 1960s. Size 14 x 9 cms.
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"Animals. Cat with a rabbit" Modern American photo postcard 1970S
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Artist Clapsaddle, Wolf Publication Postcard
"Horse frightened by " Fine painting, modern English double card, 16 x 11 cms.
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Artist Clapsaddle, Wolf Publication Postcard
"Kitten among flowers "Modern photo postcard 1970s
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Artist Clapsaddle, Wolf Publication Postcard
Mural of Horses, Kentucky Horse Park, Lexington, Kentucky
Farrier in Blacksmith Shop, Horses, Kentucky Horse Park, Lexington, Kentucky
Artist Clapsaddle, Wolf Publication Postcard
Early Morning Chores, Horses, Kentucky Horse Park, Lexington, Kentucky
Dressed Rabbit May Your Easter be Happy Postcard
"Lady feedding her donkeys" Old vintage Spanish artist drawn postcard
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Champion Palomino, Thoroughbred Horse
Dressed Rabbit A Happy Easter Postcard
Maryland Thoroughbred Horse Sagamore Farm
"Norse" Vintage English photo postcard 1960s..
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Artist Clapsaddle, Wolf Publication Postcard
"Prince Baltasar Carlos on Horse, by Velazquez" Fine painting, modern Spanish P
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Horse Race Training, Kentucky Horse Racing Park, Lexington, Kentucky
"Animals. The Giraffe" Old vintage German, artist signed, postcard
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"Donkeey. What an ass I am!" Humorous modern Spanish photo postcard
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Dressed Rabbit Postcard
"Birds" Nice lot of five (5) postcards: 2 vintage, 3 moderns.
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Elephants, Wildlife, South Africa
"Animal. Lion, by Philip Jones" Modern American artist drawn postcard
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Dressed Rabbit Postcard
Dressed Rabbit Wishing You a Joyful Easter Postcard
Dressed Rabbit A Happy Easter Postcard
Dressed Rabbit Easter Greetings Postcard
Dressed Chicken and Rabbit Postcard
Dressed Rabbit Easter Styles Postcard
Dressed Rabbit A Happy Easter Postcard
Dressed Rabbit A Joyous Eastertide Postcard
"Revenge of the horse. A fatality" Humorous Spanish painting artist signed 1970s
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Dressed Rabbit Easter Joys Postcard
Homard Geant The Lobster Is King Ontario Canada
Dressed Rabbit A Joyous Easter Postcard
"Animals. Cows" Lot of three (3) old vintage artist drawn postcards
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Dressed Lobster I was Green Once Myself Postcard
Dressed Rabbit Easter Greeting Postcard
Dressed Rabbit Postcard
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