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196307 INDIA TRAVANCORE Bank real posted stamped cover
411623 USSR 1984 year Postage meter State Bank real posted COVER
3102228 UK London The Bank Vintage TUCK photo PC
476362 right bank Yenisei above Kazachinsky rapids outcrop ridge illustration
460717 ROMANIA Bucharest Victoriei street bank shops advertising bus photo
187808 Poland JASLO Cash savings Bank by KOTOWICZ Vintage PC
480907 USSR 1948 year Landscape SHISHKIN bank of the Kama postcard
443279 Estonia Narva Virumaa bank Vintage photo postcard
448867 USSR 1960 year Gorky city National Bank photo postcard
450522 Turkey 2003 year bank building advertising POSTAL stationery
261240 HUNGARY Szlovak Bank Vintage photo postcard
249991 USSR DNEPROSTROY pit right bank AVANT-GARDE Vintage GIZ
3090859 CANADA Montreal Bank of Montreal Vintage PC
235403 FINLAND HELSINKI central Bank Vintage postcard
412641 RUSSIA 1992 Vasiliev All-Russian Exchange Bank ADVERTISING PAID mark
470972 1972 year Bangladesh Dhaka bank of Boorhi Ganga USSR signed Old postcard
425033 BELGIUM 1924 year Brussel BANK ADVERTISING Checks real posted COVER
286910 Ukraine MUKACHEVO MUNKACS Szlovak BANK Vintage photo postcard
3090408 JAMAICA Myrtle Bank Hotel Kingston Back view Vintage PC
443088 GERMANY 1952 Baden-Baden RPPC cancellations Bank advertising Berlin label
3127459 Estonia REVAL Deutsches Theater und Estnische Bank OLD
3108751 Uzbekistan TASHKENT State Bank Vintage postcard
258216 UKRAINE Kharkov National Bank Vintage Fedorov postcard
207863 ARGENTINA BUENOS AIRES Bank FDC real posted to USSR
414802 MALTA Bank of Valletta to GERMANY Commerzbank 1979 real posted air mail
428373 CZECH MARIENBAD Marianske Lazne Kreuzbrunnen strasse BANK Vintage
475730 RUSSIA Kama river Right bank near city of Okhansk publishing house AMK
287006 BERMUDA Bank museum Vintage postcard
424229 UK Kent Gillingham High Street TRAM BANK Vintage postcard
454789 USSR Lithuania painting Kajetonas Sklerius bank the Akmena river postcard
3029778 USA Advertising Ladies in THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OLD
487843 USA New York Bank of Manhattan Co building Vintage photo postcard
477382 RUSSIA Reshma village on right bank Volga Breeva publishing house
402855 USSR 1954 year Leningrad Bank Bridge winged lions LFH
414803 MALTA Bank of Valletta to GERMANY Commerzbank 1979 real posted air mail
236773 USSR 1930 year Leningrad Bank Bridge old GIZ postcard
3168071 Russia BANK banking personnel COSTUMES Suits & HATS old
408810 USSR 1966 Pimenov 23th Congress Communist Party Strobank bank Rustavi
415827 UK BIRMINGHAM Municipal Bank Masonic Hall Vintage photo postcard
276119 POLAND 1979 year PEKAO BANK care postal card
464382 Iraq Baghdad Rafidain Bank Rashid street double-decker Old postcard
250142 Russia BELIY Leningrad Bank bridge Vintage GIZ postcard
3054036 Uzbekistan Tashkent Building of state bank Vintage PC
Peoples National Bank Building , LYNCHBURG , Virginia , PU-1910
3183616 RUSSIA PETERSBURG KALMYKOV bank Neva Richard #559
Old Postcard Bank Credit Lyonnais Paris TOP Conservation Titles
284556 USSR 1992 Postmark central administration central bank RSFSR Leningrad
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