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Bretagne (Brittany)
Finistere [29]
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1970s Brittany France Brest Castle Chilean Esmeralda Barquentine Sailboat 4x6 M5
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c1910s Brest, France Hotel Continental Domed Roofs Urban Cityscape Skyline A356
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c1900s Brest, France Glacis Place des Postes Tram Tracks Statue Streetlamps A353
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c1910s Brest, France Edgar Quinet Warship Arsenal Grande Grue Crane Ships A356
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Brest - L'Arsenal - La Grille Tourville
People Lewis Pasteur St Brest France,
CPA BREST - Rue de Siam (206992)
France Brest Vue prise de Recouvrances
CPA Sainte-Anne - La Greve - Environs de Brest (1034078)
CPM BREST - Vue d'ensemble du Port (216648)
CPM Brest Le port de Guerre (16523)
CPA BREST - La place de la Liberté (206984)
RP: Brest France, 00-10s Bridge
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CPA BREST Porstrein Chateau de Ker-Stears (982279)
494931 FRANCE Brest fort and crane Vintage Levy postcard
494932 FRANCE Brest bridge crane Vintage Levy postcard
Rue Jean Jaures, Brest, France (26955
CPM Brest L'Arsenal (16483)
CPM Brest La Place (16461)
CPM BREST - Le Pont de l'Harletoire (216633)
494930 FRANCE Brest Street of Siam Vintage Levy postcard
CPA Le Chateau des Reves Execute par un Sourd-Muet de Brest (1033656)
Transporter Bridge, Brest, France (26954
CPM Brest (16488)
CPM Brest Pont de Recouvrance (16462)
494933 FRANCE Brest Ramparts and the Rade Vintage Levy postcard
494934 FRANCE Brest View taken from the Chateau Vintage Levy postcard
494928 FRANCE Brest Fort du Chateau and the Parc au Duc Vintage Levy postcard
494929 FRANCE Brest military fort Quai de la Majorite Vintage Levy postcard
BT13058 Brest jardins devant le chateau France
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France Brest Le Port du Commerce
CPA BREST La Place du Champ de Bataille et le Theatre (1295149)
BR73185 brest la rade et le goulet france
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CPA AK Chocolat Lombart - BREST Place de Liberté Jour de Marché (206981)
CPA BREST Le Pont National (1295145)
RP: Brest France, 00-10s Harbor view
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CPA BREST Le Transbordeur et le Fond de l'Arsenal (1295148)
CPA BREST Le Transbordeur et le Fond de l'Arsenal (1295147)
CPA BREST L'Arsenal - La Grue Electrique de 150 Tonnes (1295146)
CPA Ou trouve - t-on une bonne Charbre a l'Hotel de l'Epée a BREST (206996)
Pontanezen Brest France Postcard Main Delousina Plant c1920's WW1 RPPC Photo
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CPA Kerhoun - L'Anse - Environs de Brest (1033657)
c1920's The Fortress Brest France, Steamer Ship RPPC Photo Vintage Postcard
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CPA Camaret-sur-Mer - Les Quais - Rade de Brest (1033023)
BT12707 Brest le chateau et la tour tanguy France
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c1920's View Of The Arsenal Brest France, Ship Boats RPPC Photo Vintage Postcard
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B105087 France Brest Finistere La Rade Harbour Boats
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CPA AK BREST - L'Église St-Louis et les Halles (206993)
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