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New York Harbor Ship Unused
ME Church Circleville, Ohio, USA Unused
Helmick Bridge, Coshocton County, Ohio, USA Covered Bridge Unused
Old Postcard Victor Hugo House Place Royale Paris
Musee du Luxembourg Statues / Monuments Unused Oxidized real photo
Old Postcard lighthouse & # 39Ailly Dieppe
Pleasant hill Church Family Pleasant Hill Kentucky KY USA Shaker Unused
Fort Oglethorpe Georga, GA, USA Y.W.C.A Hostess House Misc. Fraternal, Unused
St Agnes Church,Chicago Heights,IL
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Covered Bridge Grand Bridge Over Grand River Ashtabula County Ohio
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First Presbyterian Church Historic Jacksonville Florida
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First Baptist Church,Kingsport,TN
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Boston Road, New York Zoological Park New York, USA Unused
Dr Robert Schuller Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, CA, USA Writing on back
Old Windmill Eastham Cape Cod Massachusetts
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S.S. Morro Castle - Asbury Park, N.J. USA Steamer, Steamers, Ship Unused
The church of saint-Severin Maurice Utrillo Art Unused
Sears, Roebuck & Co's Building, Illinois State Fair Springfield, Ilinois, IL,...
I C R Bridge,St John River,Fredericton,NB,Canada
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Shoshone Dam,Shoshone Canon,WY
Napier Parkview Baptist Church,Benton Harbor,MI
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Postcard Old Windmill Achern
Rosary Cathedral,Toledo,OH
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West Links Central Station, Scotland's Smallest Passengar Railway Arbroath Wr...
Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania USA Palm House, Luzerne County Court House Unused
Moonlight Bridge Steamboat, Ship 1938
Pagadore Tower 1933 Chicago, Illinois USA Worlds Fair Exposition Unused
Shaker Church Built 1792 Shakers East Canterbury, NH, USA Unused
Nobska light, woods hole, Mass, USA Massachusetts USA Lighthouse Unused close...
Moberly, Mo. USA U.S. 63 & 24 Viaduct Road Side Unused
Belgium Building St. Louis Exposition 1904 Worlds Fair Unused glitter on card
St. Edward's Church Bermuda Unused
Rice Grist Mill Near Norris Dam Tennessee Unused c1930s
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The Cathedral and Plaza St. Augustine, Florida USA Unused
Typical Highway Bridge over Old Delaware & Hudson Canal D & H Canal Unused, U...
Toledo, Ohio USA North Manchester Covered Bridge Unused
Road Scene Stroudsburg, Pennsyvlania, USA Unused
The Becky Thatcher House in Hannibal, MO, USA Unused
Canada Capex 87 Post Offices on Stamps - Set of 4 Unused
Covered Bridge Riverdale Bridge Over Grand River Ashtabula County Ohio
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Great Northern Building & Loan Co Barberton, Ohio, USA 1957
New Building of Worcester County Institution for Savings Worcester, Mass, USA...
New England Building, Merchants National Bank Topeka, Kansas, USA Unused
Park Congregational Church Greeley Colorado
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Harbor Bridge Corpus Christi, Texas USA Ship 1962
First Baptist Church,Keokuk,IA
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Pier, Coronation Tower at Left, Crystal Ballroom at Right, Crystal Beach Onta...
Mystery of Life Glendale, California, USA Statues / Monuments Unused stains o...
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