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Bingham Copper Mine, Utah, USA Mining Unused
Bingham Copper Mine, Utah, USA Mining Unused
Blasting at bingham copper mine, Utah, USA Mining Unused
Salt Lake City, Utah USA New America Motor Lodge & Coffee Shop Road Side Unused
Bingham Copper Mine, Utah, USA Mining Unused light yellowing right edge on back
Utah Copper Mine Bingham Canyon Utah Curteich
General View Utah Copper Company's Property Bingham Canyon Utah 1920
Utah Copper Mine Bungham Canyon Utah
Bingham Copper Mine, Utah, USA Mining 1964 close to perfect corners, postal u...
Utah Copper Mine Bungham Canyon Utah
Utah Copper Mine Bingham Canyon Utah Curteich
Bingham Copper Mine, Utah, USA Mining Unused
Utah Copper Mine Bungham Canyon Near Salt Lake City Utah Curteich
Kennicott's Bingham copper mine Bingham Canyon, Utah, USA Mining Unused
Fisher's Rancho Lodge, Rock Shop & Trailier Park Orderville, Utah, USA 1967
Fisher's Rancho Lodge & Rock Shop - Orderville, Utah UT
Bingham copper mine Utah, USA Mining Unused
Bingham copper mine Utah, USA Mining Unused
New America Hotel and Coffee Shop - Salt Lake City, Utah UT
Bingham copper mine Utah, USA Mining Unused
Covey's New Am Motel & Coffee Shop - Salt Lake City, Utah UT
P2679 vintage postcard utah open pit copper mine near salt lake city
P2344, 1949 postcard a birds eye view a utah copper mine bingham canyon
RP: BINGHAM CANYON , Utah , 1930-40s : Copper Mine
RP: BINGHAM CANYON, Utah, 1950s; Bird's Eye View, Copper Mine
RP : Utah Copper Mine , BINGHAM CANYON , 1930-40s #2
RP : Utah Copper Mine , BINGHAM CANYON , 1930-40s
RP: BINGHAM CANYON , Utah, 1950-60s; Pit & East Side, Utah Copper Mine
Salt Mine , Great Salt Lake , UTAH , 1930s
Utah Copper Mine , Bingham Canyon , UTAH , 1930s
BINGHAM , Utah , 1950-60s ; Copper Mine
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