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Des Moines
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Fort Des Moines Officers Headquarters Des Moines, Iowa
Iowa State Capitol Enos B Hunt Jr Des Moines, Iowa
Westminster United Presbyterian Church Des Moines, Iowa
Iowa State Capitol Des Moines, Iowa
Home of Successful Farming Publisher E T Meredith Publisher Des Moines, Iowa
Along the River Des Moines, Iowa
Des Moines River Sixth Avenue Bridge Des Moines, Iowa
St Amborse Catholic Cathedral Des Moines, Iowa
Methodist Church Blank Memorial Childrens Hospital Des Moines, IA
Home of Successful Farming Publisher E T Meredith Publisher Des Moines, Iowa
State Capitol of Iowa Des Moines, Iowa
Hotel Savery Des Moines, Iowa
Home of Successful Farming Publisher E T Meredith Publisher Des Moines, Iowa
Soldiers and Sailors Monument Des Moines, Iowa
Bankers Life Company Home Office Building Des Moines, Iowa
Hotel Fort Des Moines Des Moines, Iowa
Hotel Fort Des Moines Des Moines, Iowa
East Des Moines High School Des Moines, Iowa
Raccoon River Capitol Des Moines, Iowa
Look Building Des Moines, Iowa
Blue Ribbon winner Des Moines, Iowa
Iowa Capitol Building Des Moines, Iowa
Greetings From Des Moines, Iowa
Home of Successful Farming Publisher E T Meredith Publisher Des Moines, Iowa
Equitable Life of Iowa Building Des Moines, Iowa
Library and Coliseum Des Moines, Iowa
Drake University Main Building Des Moines, Iowa
Greenwood Park Lagoon Des Moines, Iowa
Highland Park College Des Moines, Iowa
View From Capitol Hill Des Moines, Iowa
Greetings From Drake University Des Moines, Iowa
Downtown District Des Moines, Iowa
Birdland B Des Moines, Iowa
Public Library Des Moines, Iowa
Union Station Des Moines, Iowa
Service Inn Motorcourt Des Moines, Iowa
IA Des Moines Bankers Life Office Building
Iowa Dubuque Shiras Memorial Shelter Eagle Point Bridge and Wisconsin High Br...
Iowa Des Moines Interior Of Iowa State Capitol
Pope John Paul II With Children In Des Moines Iowa October 1979
Postcard State Capitol Of Iowa, Des Moines, Iowa
Des Moines Iowa Railroad Bridges Riverfront Postcard N2
IA Horticulture Hall State Fair Grounds Des Moines Iowa Postcard
State Capitol,Des Moines,IA Postcard
Iowa Des Moines Municipal Building
Unused Postcard - Iowa State Historical Building, DES Moines Iowa
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c1910's Christmas Boy Santa Treasure Berries Des Moines Iowa IA Antique Postcard
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Unused Postcard - Iowa Historical Building, DES Moines Iowa - Creased
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