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Bretagne (Brittany)
Ille et Vilaine [35]
Dol de Bretagne
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France Dol de Bretagne La Cathedrale Le Porche 1927
France Dol de Bretagne La Porche de la Cathedrale cote Sud 1918
France Dol de Bretagne Clocher de la Cathedrale cote Sud et Porche Saint-Magl...
France Dol de Bretagne La Cathedrale cote Est
France Dol de Bretagne La Cathedrale Portail sud 1913
CPA Dol-de-Bretagne - La Masion des Plaids (1034159)
BR13224 Moulin du Tertre wind mill Dol de Bretagne france
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BR13223 Dol de Bretagne france
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DOL: scène de rue - très bon état
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DOL: le rôtissage en plein air à la fête du mont-dol - très bon état
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DOL: système flaud breveté S.G.D.G. constructeur dayot - état
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B106338 France Dol de Bretagne Tombeau de l'Eveque Thomas James
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BR53240 Dol de Bretagne porche saint magloire France
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Postcard Old Dol detail Porch Saint Maglone
BR54378 Dol de Bretagne porche de la cathedrale france
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B5024 Dol De bretagne le kongio et ancients Remparts De Dol
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Old Postcard Dol de Bretagne Old Houses of the Grand Rue Adolphe Cron Watchmaker
CPA École DOL-de-BRETAGNE - Atelier de Menuiserie (210485)
Postcard Old Dol La Cathedrale North Coast
Old postcard Brittany Dol de Bretagne I and V Mont Dol Rock of Devil's Claw
CPA AK DOL-de-BRETAGNE - La Place du marché (210482)
Postcard Modern Dol de Bretagne Cathedrale St Samson chapel ND of Esperance M...
Old Postcard Emerald Coast surroundings Dol Menhir Champ Dolent
CPA DOL-de-BRETAGNE - Le Moulin du Mont-Dol (226963)
Old Postcard Dol de Bretagne La Cathedrale
Old Postcard Cathedral of Dol XII th century Nef
CPA DOL-de-BRETAGNE-Rue Léjamptel (265426)
Postcard Old Dol Cathedral La Grande Nef
Postcard Old Dol de Bretagne La Cathedrale St. Magloire gate and tower
CPA Cote d'Emeraude - DOL-de-BRETAGNE - Le Moulin du Mont-Dol (226942)
Postcard Old Stone Dol Champ Dolent
Old Postcard Dol La Cathedrale
Postcard Old Dol Ancient houses of the narrow street
Postcard Modern Dol de Bretagne The Grande Hotel
Dol - Porch d & # 39ancien Monastery - Old Postcard
Old Postcard Dol Interior of the Cathedral The Pulpit
Old Postcard View Dol Remparts Jack
Postcard Modern Dol de Bretagne Aerial view La Cathedrale Saint Samson
Dol - View taken Remparts - Old Postcard
Old Postcard Dol de Bretagne La Cathedrale The great chapter or porch St. Mag...
Old Postcard fraud Cathedrale West Portal
Old Postcard Cote d'Emeraude Dol De Bretagne Bell tower of the cathedral Porc...
Postcard Old Dol (Ille et Vilaine) Old Houses
Postcard Old Dol La Cathedrale (map 1900)
Postcard Old House Dol de Bretagne Plaids (XI S)
Postcard Modern Dol de Bretagne Grande street and over the Charretiers City H...
Old Postcard Dol pillar and D Porch former Monastery
Old Postcard The Virgin Dol Mont Dol
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