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c1900s Florence Italy Hotel de Rome S Maria Novella Square Sketch Plaza Car A358
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c1910s Rome, Italy St Peter's Square Vatican City Panorama Birds Eye Statue A358
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c1900s Naples, Italy Fruit Seller Fresh Produce Vendor Cherry Grapes Basket A358
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c1930s Naples Italy RPPC Mount Vesuvius Volcano Eruption Harbor Port Ships A360
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c1900s Naples, Italy Corso Umberto I Street Fountain Grand Buildings Shops A358
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c1900s UDB Perugia, Italy Greek Roman Illustrious Men Print Cambio College A359
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c1900s Rome, Italy S. Giovanni in Laterano Art Basilica Facade Crowd Scene A358
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c1900s Genoa Italy House of Columbus Latin Inscription Stone Carving Window A360
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c1900s Rome, Italy Colosseum Arena Lions Tigers Gladiators Blood Spectacle A359
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c1910s Florence, Italy Un Putto Hospital Innocent Boy Sculpture della Robbia 358
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c1900s Perugia, Italy Famous Greek Roman Men Painting Print Perugino Pietro A359
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c1950s San Gimignano,Tuscany Italy Hill Town Panorama 4x6 PC Fontanelli Photo M4
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c1900s UDB Rome, Italy Divus Augustus Statue Musee de l'Ermitage Scepter A358
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Florence, Italy Virgin and Child Religious Painting Correggio 1500s Art A360
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c1900s Rome Italy Apollo Citharoedus Greek Marble Sculpture Lyre Glyptothek A359
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c1900s UDB Milan, Italy Beautiful Art Embossed Cathedral Duomo Angelic Girl A358
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Giulietta Tomb,Verona,Italy
c1900s Pompeii, Italy Via Stabiana Ancient Roman Street Ruins Brick Walls A356
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c1900s UDB Florence, Italy Dawn Sculpture Michelangelo's Lorenzo de Medici A354
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c1920s Milano, Italy Cimitero Monumentale Cemetery Ground Streetcar Trolley A357
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c1900s Tremezzo, Italy Villa Carlotta Amore e Psyche Sculpture Love Embrace A354
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c1920s Rome, Italy Circus Maximus Barbary Lion Christians Arena Colosseum A355
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c1900s Bologna, Italy Panorama Two Towers Medieval City Skyline Churches A355
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c1900s Rome, Italy Mamertine Prison Carcere Mamertino Ancient Jail Roman A343
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c1920s Rome Italy St Peter's Basilica Square Dome Colonnade Fountain People A355
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1907 Recoaro Fonti, Monte Spitz, Italy Panorama PC Alessi Cross Mountain A184
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c1910s Capri, Italy Marina Grande Rocky Coast Buildings Beach Zimmer Room A355
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1560s Italy La Cour d'Isabelle d'Este Renaissance Painting Forest Figures A356
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c1920s Pompei, Italy Casa degli Amorini Dorati Peristyle Portico Fresco PC A357
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c1900s Lake Orta, Italy Alpine Village Shoreline Evergreen Trees Mountains A356
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c1900s Rome, Italy Colosseum Ancient Amphitheater Arches Ruins Cars Cypress A355
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Postcard - Temple of Venus - Rome, Italy
Postcard View of the City, Boccadasse, Genoa, Italy
Postcard Romain Forum, Rome, Italy
Postcard - Posillipo and the Island of Nisida - Naples, Italy
Postcard L'Annunciazione By Fra' Beato Angelico, Museo S. Marco, Florence, Italy
Formal Italian Court Lambert Gardens Portland Oregon Postcard
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Artist Signed J.G. Gerstenhauer Italy Beautiful Couple Vintage Postcard B185
Postcard Saluti da Capri, Italy
Postcard St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City, Vatican City
Postcard Piazza e Chiesa di S. Marco Florence Italy
Postcard Victory Square and Monument to the Fallen, Genoa, Italy
Postcard Leda By Tintoretto, Uffizi Gallery, Florence, Italy
Postcard Cavalieri Hilton, Rome, Italy
Postcard View of the City, Sturla, Genoa, Italy
Postcard - Equestrian Carousel of the Carabinieri - Italy
Basilica S Marco,Venice,Italy
Palarro Ducale,Venice,Italy
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