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477248 USSR 1972 year Kostroma Fire Tower postcard
477249 USSR 1972 year Kostroma City Executive Committee cars postcard
477241 USSR 1972 year Kostroma Ipatiev Monastery postcard
470513 USSR 1982 Kalinin region city Konakovo Karacharovsky park gazebo and pond
470512 USSR 1982 y Kalinin region city of Konakovo hydroelectric power station
444707 USSR Kislovodsk alley in a pine forest Vintage Soyuzfoto photo postcard
442360 USSR 1930s Kislovodsk kursaal Gorlit Publishing House Vintage photo
444590 USSR Kislovodsk ancient dwellings and ring-mountain Vintage postcard
444582 USSR Kislovodsk ring mountain Vintage postcard
444609 USSR Kislovodsk Honey Falls and Eagle Rock Vintage postcard
448841 USSR 1953 myrrh-bearing wives at tomb Risen Christ Evgeniy Easter photo
444477 USSR Kislovodsk sanatorium named after Red October Vintage photo postcard
475462 USSR 1973 year city of Kirov theatre square postcard
475464 USSR 1973 year city of Kirov Polytechnical Institute postcard
475456 USSR 1973 year city of Kirov Komsomolskaya Square trolleybus postcard
475457 USSR 1973 year city of Kirov Cinema movie thetare Pobeda postcard
475466 USSR 1973 year city of Kirov river jetty postcard
475454 USSR 1973 year city of Kirov May 1 House of Culture postcard
475460 USSR 1973 year city of Kirov train station postcard
475455 USSR 1973 year city of Kirov Philharmonic postcard
475452 USSR 1973 year city of Kirov neighborhood postcard
475459 USSR 1973 year city of Kirov Central department store postcard
467631 USSR 1981 year Kamchatka Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky Lenin Square postcard
467630 USSR 1981 year Kamchatka Pacific Ocean postcard
467617 USSR 1981 year Kamchatka evening city postcard
467620 USSR 1981 year Kamchatka eskimos snowmobile postcard
467621 USSR 1981 year Kamchatka harvest tractor postcard
467624 USSR 1981 year Kamchatka recreation center Hutorok hot thermal springs
467625 USSR 1981 year Kamchatka art of local craftswomen postcard
467626 USSR 1981 year Kamchatka triple volcano waterfall postcard
467629 USSR 1981 year Kamchatka Valley of Geysers postcard
467628 USSR 1981 year Kamchatka volcanoes Tolbachik Krasheninnikov postcard
448877 USSR Irkutsk Cinema movie theatre Pioneer photo postcard
448876 USSR Irkutsk square on Kirov square photo postcard
471469 USSR 1970 year city of Gorky Train Station postcard
471468 USSR 1970 year city of Gorky Kashirin's house postcard
471472 USSR 1970 year city of Gorky Minin and Pozharsky Square trolleybuses
471466 USSR 1970 year city of Gorky communication house postcard
471467 USSR 1970 year city of Gorky Gorky Drama Theater postcard
448870 USSR 1960 year Gorky Sormovskiy Palace of Culture photo postcard
448862 USSR 1960 year Gorky city square on the ship embankment photo postcard
448864 USSR 1960 year Gorky city Palace of Pioneers photo postcard
448865 USSR 1960 year Gorky city square on Minin square photo postcard
448875 USSR 1960 year Kazan first building of aviation institute photo postcard
448869 USSR 1960 year Gorky Malaya Gorky Railway photo postcard
444478 USSR city of Gorky Sovetskaya Square Vintage photo postcard
444493 1932 Zheleznovodsk new next sanatorium Mountain air constructivism
444492 USSR 1935 year city of Gorky Soviet square car Vintage photo postcard
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