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Italy - Milan. The Fair (Palace of Fashion)
Hall of Science, Chicago World's Fair 1933
Hospital, Alaska, Yukon, Pacific Expo 1909, Seattle WA
IL - Chicago. 1893 World's Columbian Expo. Government Bldg. (Repro 1992)
UK - England, London, Festival of Empire Exhibition 1911 Exhibition Grounds
Moss House, Syracuse Fair NY
Canada - Montreal. Expo67. Man and His World
Bull-Dogging a Wild Steer
Elsie and Elmer, Borden's
Expo 86, Fireworks Display, Vancouver, British Columbia,
NY - Syracuse. State Fair Grounds Entrance
State Fair, Syracuse NY
Elsie, Elmer & Beauregard, Borden's Family
Canada - Quebec, Montreal. Expo '67. Japan Pavilion
NY - 1939 World's Fair, Food Building No. 2 North, Mural Painting
NY - New York World's Fair, 1964-65, Glide-A-Ride Trains
Agricultural Bldg. Alaska, Yukon, Pacific Expo 1909, Seattle
Interior Court of Hall of Science, Chicago World's Fair
PA - Philadelphia. Sesqui-Centennial International Exposition. Dept. of the I...
NY - Syracuse. State Fairgrounds. Dairy and Grange Buildings
NY - New York City. New York World's Fair 1964-1965. NY Port Authority Helipo...
NY - New York World's Fair, 1964-65, The Schaefer Center
RPPC, Bridge and Ice Jam on a River. Location Unknown.
CA - San Francisco. The Philosopher, Panama-Pacific Int'l Exposition, 1915
Replica Old Fort Dearborn, Century of Progress 1933
CA - San Francisco. Golden Gate Expo. Pacifica, / Mini Card 2 3/4 x 4 1/2"
IA - Des Moines. Iowa State Fairgrounds Stock Pavilion
State Fair, Syracuse NY
IL - Chicago. 1933 World's Fair, Century of Progress. Electrical Group by Ill...
Oil Tank Struck By Lightning
Italy - Naples. Mt Vesuvio Ash & Lapillus Destruction, 1906. An Ottajano Vin...
Canada - Quebec, Montreal. Expo '67. Italy Pavilion
NY - New York City. World's Fair, 1939. Maritime Building
Jamestown Exposition 1907 States Exhibit Building
Ainu Spirit Of A Northern People Indigenous People Of Japan
Georgia ATLANTA 1996 Centennial Olympic Games - Coca-Cola ~ Cont'l
Or Best Offer
CA - San Francisco. Panama-Pacific Int'l Exposition, 1915. Nations of the East
IL - Chicago. 1933 World's Fair, Century of Progress. Administration Bui...
NY - New York City. 1939 World's Fair. General Motors Exhibit Building
VA - Jamestown Exposition, 1907. Grounds, Lovers Lane
CA - San Francisco.Palace of Liberal Arts, Panama-Pacific Int'l Exposition, 1915
Riverfront. Louisiana World Exposition, New Orleans, Used 1984
IL - Chicago. 1933 World's Fair, Century of Progress. The Belgian Village
WA - Seattle. 1909 Alaska-Yukon Pacific Exposition. Rainier Vista and Music P...
UK - England, London. 1908, The Franco-British Exposition, Royal Pavilion in ...
NY - 1939 World's Fair, Communications Building
Canada - Quebec, Montreal. Expo 67 - Alcan Pavilion
OR - Coast near Mouth of Columbia River- British Bark Peter Iredale Wrecked O...
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