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Austri Salzburg Musicians In Local Costume D'lustigen Salzburger Gesangs...
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Folk Song Lyrics. On Ilkla Moor Baht 'At
Men Singing Der Graue Bund 1908
Old Postcard Folklore Auvergne Player Cabrette
Old Postcard Folklore Toulon The Tambourinaires TOP
Old Postcard Folklore French Equatorial Africa Musician Chad Fort Lamy
Old Postcard Folklore Quiberon bagpipes
Old Postcard Folklore A group of players Chabrette TOP
Old Postcard Folklore Bombard and Biniou country Chateaulin
Old Postcard Folklore Negro musician North Africa
Old Postcard Folklore Center Types The brothers Guillemain TOP
Old Postcard Alcohol Avignon Popes' Palace of Remembrance & # 39exposition co...
Postcard Modern Traveling L & # 39Alsace Brass Music Folklore
Old Postcard Folklore Negro musician North Africa
Postcard Old Folk Orchestra Morvan Morvandeau TOP
Old Postcard Folklore Gas Berry gives a concert in the park of the Prefecture...
Old Postcard Folklore Type A center Vielleur TOP
Old Postcard Folklore Negro musician North Africa
Old Postcard Folklore Negro musician North Africa
Postcard Old Folk Musician Arab North Africa
Old Postcard The songs of Jean Rameau illustrees The vieilleuse (folklore mus...
Pithiviers Old Postcard Allee des soupiers School drum and bugle
Old Postcard Folklore Alumni suits Bressans Player Vielle TOP
Postcard Old Songs of Botrel The lullaby of fiddler TOP (violin)
Postcard Old Folk Musicians blind North Africa
Postcard Old Folk Musician Arab North Africa
PHOTO CARD Troupe of children Musicians
Old Postcard Folklore Auvergne The Cabrettaire
Old Postcard Folklore Algeria Negroes musicians Bono singing Macache
Algeria Old Postcard Musician negro
PHOTO CARD Children playing in the fair Mayenne
L & # 39Auvergne picturesque Old Postcard an old player (music) TOP
Old Postcard Folklore Auvergne Musette A player TOP
Old Postcard Folklore Velay The cabrettaire country musician type making danc...
Old Postcard Folklore Auvergne Player musette
Old Postcard Folklore Center Type A Vielleur
Old Postcard Folklore Auvergne Musette player TOP
Old Postcard Folklore songs of Jean Rameau illustrees ringers masters Berry TOP
Old Postcard Folklore Biniou and bombards
Old Postcard Folklore
Old Postcard Folklore Auvergne A player from Musette
Old Postcard Folklore Auvergne The Cabrettaire
Old Postcard Folklore Lou Vielh Chabretare
Old Postcard Folklore Center Type A TOP Vielleur
Old Postcard Folklore Au Pays Creusois
Old Postcard Folklore Guys Berry The piper
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