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A twelve horse team, freighting to the Mountains - c1908
History Queen Elizabeth's Visit To St Albans The Revels Before Her Majes...
Textured Postcard, The Royal MInt, London, England
History Paul Revere's Ride
History September 1609 Henry Hudson Sailing In The Half Moon Discovered The H...
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History Revolutionary War Drum Guilford Courthouse National Military Park
OR - Baker City. Ezra Meeker, Granite Monument
"The American Songster", Geo. Eastman House of Photography, Rochester NY
Boston Jail, England 1607, Wax Museum, Plymouth, Massachusetts
History Massachusetts The Battle Of Lexington 1908
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George Washington at Valley Forge. Artist: R. Veenfliet (crease)
American Hostages Back Home
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Portrait SALVATION ARMY - Yorkshire Great Horton Citidel c1925 RP Postcard
John Brown Being Hanged 1859
History American Revolution Bicentennial 1776-1976
Cadett's Patent Pneumatic Photographic Shutter (Eastman House of Photog.)
History September 1609 Henry Hudson Sailing In The Half Moon Discovered The H...
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History The Capture Of Fort Sackville Painting By Frederick C Yohn
History Battle Of Lake Erie Perry's Victory 1913 Detroit Publiching
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History Battle Of Bunker Hill 17 June 1775
Ezra Meeker. Twist and Dave, Ezra's Oxen
History The Battle Of Bunker Hill 17 June 1775
History President Lincoln'ss Generals Pilgrim Theatre Museum Provincetow...
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Battle Of Lake Erie Commodore Perry 10 September 1813
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The Boston Tea Party State House Boston Massachusetts
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American Revolution Bicentennial 1776-1976 The Boston Massacre 5 March 1770
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Tea Party House Edenton North Carolina
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Pennsylvania Philadelphia Betsy Ross House Where First American Flag Was Made...
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Charles Le Temeraire Schweiz Switzerland
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American Revolution Bicentennial 1776-1976
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History 4 October 1609 The Entrance Of The Half Moon Into New York Harbor 1909
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History Surrender Of Robert E Lee 9 April 1865 "Peace In Union" Pai...
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Washington D C Surrender Of Borgoyne 17 October 1777
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Washington D C Westward Ho
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History Battle Of Bunker Hill 17 June 1775
Surrender Of Cornwallis
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History The Battle Of Bunker Hill 17 June 1775
The Marriage Contract 1789 Jefferson's Daughter Signing It
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Histiry Conferate Victory At Chancellorsville 3 May 1863
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General Herkimer At Oriskany American Revolutionary War
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History Discovery Of The Mississippi By De Soto 1541
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History The Battle Of Bunker Hill Charlestown Massachusetts 17 June 1775
Surrender Of Cornwallis Curteich
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History American Revolution Bicentennial 1776-1976 John Paul Jones
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The Spirit Of '76
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The Abraham Yates House Circa 1725 Dutch Architecture Schenectady New York Ar...
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An Old Cape Cod House Built 1713 Cape Cod Massachusetts
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