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Bretagne (Brittany)
Finistere [29]
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Old Postcard Brittany Finistere Lampaul Baptistere and Organs
Old Postcard Lampaul (Finistere) The Calvary and the Porch (1533)
Old Postcard Lampaul (Finistere) The Chole Angels
Old Postcard Guimiliau Calvary
Postcard Old Lampaul Interior of the Church of the Angels Fall
Old Postcard Brittany Finistere Lampaul Altar SAint Jean Baptiste
Postcard Old Lampaul Guimiliau Finistere the altar of the Chapel of the Holy ...
Old Postcard Lampaul banner of the 16th
Old Postcard Brittany Finistere Lampaul Arc de Triomphe and the Church
Old Postcard Lampaul (Finistere) Banner sixteenth century (the Blessed Sacram...
Postcard Old Lampaul (Finistere) Altar of the Passion
Old Postcard Brittany Finistere Lampaul The triumphal arch of the church
Old Postcard Lampaul (Finistere) The Abstde and Church
Postcard Old Lampaul Banner XVII Century
Old Postcard Lampaul (Finistere) Calvary (1533)
Old Postcard Lampaul Guimiliau Finistere Calvary and Porch
Old Postcard Lampaul Guimiliau The Baptist
Old Postcard Lampaul (Finistere) Details of the Porch and Calvary
Postcard Modern Lampaul Plouarzel Place of & # 39eglise
Old Postcard Brittany Finistere Lampaul Calvary and Porch
Old Postcard Lampaul (Finistere) The Belfry
Postcard Old Lampaul Guimiliau triumphal arch surmounted by a Calvary
Old Postcard Brittany Finistere Lampaul Interior of the Church
Postcard Old Lampaul (Finistere) The church (XVI century)
Postcard Old Lampaul Interior of the Church of the Angels Fall
Old Postcard Lampaul Guimiliau (Finistere) Calvary
Old Postcard Lampaul (Finistere) The Nativity of the Virgin (altarpiece of th...
Old Postcard Lampaul (Finistere) Banner sixteenth century (St. Paul)
Old Postcard Elglise Lampaul Ensevilissement Christ
Postcard Old Lampaul The large sculpted beam
Old Postcard Lampaul (Finistere) The Entombment Christ
Old Postcard Finistere Lampaul Ensevielissement The church of Christ
Old Postcard Lampaul Cross 16th
Old Postcard Lampaul Gumiliau (Finistere) Calvary
Old Postcard The Baptistry Lampaul
Old Postcard Lampaul banner of the 17th Century
Old Postcard Lampaul (Finistere) The Ossuary and Calvaires
Postcard Old Finistere Lampaul Tower of the church
Old Postcard Brittany Lampaul Interior of & # 39Eglise
Old Postcard Brittany Finistere Lampaul Calvary Porch and Baptistery
Old Postcard Lampaul (Finistere) The Fall of the Angels (XVII century)
Old Postcard Brittany Finistere Lampaul Altar of passion
Old Postcard Lampaul (Finistere) Great carved beam (XVII century)
Postcard Old Finistere Lampaul Interior of The Church of Falling Angels
Postcard Old Lampaul Interior of the Church The Decapitation of Saint Milliau
Old Postcard Eglisede Mapaul Entombment of Christ
Old Postcard Lampaul Interior of the church of Saint Lean Life Baptist (seven...
Old Postcard Lampaul (Finistere) The Church
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