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15661 ROME City Vintage Postcard: Real - 1904 BAPTISM ROYALTY-
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Vintage Postcard: Rome - Civitavecchia: Zeppelin!-
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52807 - vintage postcard - FROSINONE province - FIUGGI: illustrated 1968-
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52853 - vintage postcard - FROSINONE province - FUGGI: ILLUSTRATED costumes-
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52825 - vintage postcard - FROSINONE province - Anagni 1942-
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11197 Vintage Postcard - Latin: Siege of Gaeta-
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Vintage Postcard: Rome City - Photographic-
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Vintage Postcard: Rome City - Photographic-
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Roma(Rome) - Stazione Termini
Italy Lazio Roma(Rome)
Italy Roma Waldensian Church
Italy Rome Ulpia Ristorante & Taberna ai Fori Imperiali
Italy Roma Rome Monumento Garibaldi
Italy Roma Rome Il Foro Traiano
Italy Roma Rome Colosseo
ab0548 - CARTOLINA D'EPOCA - ROMA Città : Palatino
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ab0547 - CARTOLINA D'EPOCA - ROMA Città : Piazza delle Terme
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Ab0546 - Cartolina D'epoca - Roma Città
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Postcard Old Pinacoteca Vaticana Roma Annunziata Barroccio Federico
ab0079 - CARTOLINA D'EPOCA -ROMA Città : Vitellio
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Interior View of Statues in La Scala Santa, Roma Italy 1900-10s
Italy Roma Rome Trinita dei Monti e mercato dei fiori
Italy Roma Rome Chiesa della Trinita dei Monti
Italy Roma Rome Chiesa di San Lorenzo fuori le mura
Italy Roma Rome Sepolcro di Cajo Cestio
Italy Roma Rome Palazzo del Quirinale B49
Italy Roma Rome Palatino Casa di Livia B49
af3517 - Vintage JUDAICA Postcard: ITALY - Tivoli-
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Italy Roma Rome Pantheon d'Agrippa B49
Italy Torino Porta Palatina Turin Palatine Towers Vintage Postcard B165
Italy Roma Rome Vintage Postcard B109
Postcard - Terme grandi - Villa Adriana - Tivoli, Italy
Rome ,Basilicade S.Maria Maggiore
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Postcard Modern Hotel San Giorgio Fuiggi Fonte (Frosinone) via Prenestina
Italy, Roma, Rome, Isola Tiberina ora di San Bartolmeo
Tivoli - Villa D'Este Italy Museum Fountain Real Photo RPPC Postcard
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c1940's Fountain of Pianoscarano Viterbo Lazio Italy RPPC Photo Postcard
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Italy Roma Rome Piazza Venezia e Monumento a Vittorio Emanuele II
Vintage postcard: ROME - OLD 1903-
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Italy Roma Rome Fontana di Trevi
Italy Roma Rome Traforo del Quirinale
Italy Roma Rome Il Campidoglio
Postcard Papal Basilica of Saint Paul Historical Church Roma Rome, Italy
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Vintage Postcard: Rome - Bracciano-
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Vintage Postcard: Rome - Bracciano : Zeppelin 1918-
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Italy Italia Roma Old Postcard Templo di Venere e Roma
Italy Italia Roma Old Postcard
Italy Italia Roma Old Postcard Il Colosseo Interno
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