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Postcard - Three Gossips, Arches National Park - Utah
c1910s French Romantic Hand Sign Gesture Cute Woman Photo Postcard Nancy FR A43
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Postcard - The Spectacles, Arches National Park - Utah
Postcard The Three Gossips and Sheep Rock, Arches National Monument, Utah
Postcard Delicate Arch Arches National Monument Utah
Postcard Evangelische Kirche, Metz, France
Postcard La Porte Moselle Toul Pittoresque Toul France
Postcard La Rue Saint Jean, Neufchâteau, France
c1910s Bar-le-Duc, France Panorama Cote Ste-Catherine Railroad Tracks House A357
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1914-18 Bar-le-Duc, France WWI Aerial Bombardment Damage Rubble Ruins A357
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c1900s Port-Royal, France Abbey Museum Gothic Arches Stained Glass Windows A360
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1914-18 Bar-le-Duc, France WWI Aerial Bombardment Ruins Boulevard de Banque A357
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c1920s Bar-le-Duc, France Debarcadere River Dock Church Spire Boats Lumber A355
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c1910s Douaumont, France Fort Entrance WWI Battle Verdun Ruins Damage A357
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c1914 Verdun, France WWI Bombardment Destroyed Street Rubble Ruins Building A356
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c1910s Verdun, France WWI Bombardment General View City Ruins Damaged Roofs A355
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1914-18 Verdun, France WWI Bombardment Canal Ruins Church Tower Destruction A357
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c1900s Nancy, France Stanislas Place Gates Royal Crown Lantern Jean Lamour A355
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c1910s Verdun, France Cathedral Place WWI Ruins Destruction Towers Debris A357
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c1900s Bar-le-Duc, France Upper Town St. Catherine Hill Cypress Tree Church A355
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Postcard View of the Ossuary of Douaumont, France
Postcard Double Arch, Arches National Park, Utah
1914-18 Verdun, France WWI Grande Guerre Bombardment Ruins St Destruction A354
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c1910s Verdun, France Great War Bombing New Galleries Storefront Rubble WWI A350
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c1920s Mont Saint-Michel, France Guest Hall Gothic Arches Columns Vaulted A349
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c1910s Verdun, France WWI Bombing Catholic College Entrance Rubble Debris A355
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c1900s Domremy, France Arrival Route Coussey Road Trees Church Countryside A353
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c1910 Amiens, France Cathedral Gothic Rose Window Spires Arches Statues A349
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c1900s Mont-Saint-Michel, France Abbey Big Pillar Crypt 15th Century Arches A350
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c1910s Bar-le-Duc, France Military Barracks Drill Ground Houses Fields Army A355
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1914-18 Verdun, France Bombardment WWI Rue Mazel Street Ruins Church Tower A356
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Postcard Entrée de Ville Saint Mihiel France
c1930s Metz, France RPPC German Gate Medieval Towers Fortification Bridge A349
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c1920s Metz France RPPC Cityscape Cathedral Mont Saint-Quentin Church Tower A349
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Postcard Hôtel de Ville Nancy France
c1950s Metz, France RPPC Germans' Gate Bridge Seille River Medieval Towers A347
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Postcard Landscape Arch, Arches National Monument, Utah
c1970s Metz (Lorraine) France Moselle River Camping Cathedral Chrome 4x6 PC M21
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c1910s Verdun France WWI Fallen French Soldier Battlefield Dead Military War A24
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c1910s Etain, France WWI Destruction Ruins Street Houses War Damage Postcard A26
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c1916 RPPC WW1 Trenches Bombing Battle Of Saint Mihiel #2 Vintage Postcard P118
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La Place de la Gare - Hotel - Metz, France
Hotel Lorraine - Toledo, Ohio
Multivview Souvenir of Metz, France
Old Postcard Metz Statue William Prophet Daniel cathedral
France Nancy Cathedrale
Etain Meuse France~Nach Der Schlacht-After the Battle~1915 Feldpost WW1 Postcard
J17/ Elkhorn Wisconsin Postcard c1930s Loraine Hotel Building 229
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