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1914-18 Verdun, France WWI Grande Guerre Bombardment Ruins St Destruction A354
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c1910s Verdun, France Great War Bombing New Galleries Storefront Rubble WWI A350
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c1900s Domremy, France Arrival Route Coussey Road Trees Church Countryside A353
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c1910s Bar-le-Duc, France Military Barracks Drill Ground Houses Fields Army A355
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c1910s Verdun, France WWI Bombardment General View City Ruins Damaged Roofs A355
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1914-18 Verdun, France Bombardment WWI Rue Mazel Street Ruins Church Tower A356
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c1910 Amiens, France Cathedral Gothic Rose Window Spires Arches Statues A349
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c1910s Verdun, France WWI Bombing Catholic College Entrance Rubble Debris A355
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c1900s Mont-Saint-Michel, France Abbey Big Pillar Crypt 15th Century Arches A350
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c1920s Mont Saint-Michel, France Guest Hall Gothic Arches Columns Vaulted A349
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Postcard Arches National Park Utah USA
Postcard Baraquemente Allemande Aux Chavons Environs De Moussey France
c1950s Metz, France RPPC Germans' Gate Bridge Seille River Medieval Towers A347
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Vtg 1910s Avenue du Marechal Petain Thionville France Postcard
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Vtg 1981 President Reagan and Nancy in the Sitting Area of Bedroom Postcard
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c1910s Etain, France WWI Destruction Ruins Street Houses War Damage Postcard A26
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c1970s Metz (Lorraine) France Moselle River Camping Cathedral Chrome 4x6 PC M21
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c1910s Verdun France WWI Fallen French Soldier Battlefield Dead Military War A24
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c1910s WWI Nancy, France Public Urinal RPPC Pop Up Restroom Outhouse Photo A154
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c1970s Aigues-Mortes, France Notre-Dame Church Interior Arches Chrome 4x6 PC M18
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c1910s Verdun, France Rue Hauts-Degres PC WWI Bombardment Destruction Ruins A22
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Pre-1907 Nancy, France Porte Saint-Georges Postcard Elaborate 1602 Doorway A40
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c1910s Verdun France Buvignier College WWI Destruction Bomb Building Rubble A343
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c1918 WWI Near St. Mihiel, France RPPC Village House Battle Ruins PC German A161
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Military Abraham Fabert Governor of Metz Vintage Postcard B135
c1910s Forbach, France Lothr Cyan Panorama Birds Eye Town Hill River Bridge A339
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c1910s Bar-le-Duc, France Les Brasseries Brewery Industrial Factory Chimney A339
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c1910s Bar-le-Duc, France Le Chateau de Jeand'Heurs Mansion Estate Grounds A339
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c1910s Verdun, France WWI Bombardment Cathedral Tower River Ruins World War A341
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c1910s Bar-le-Duc, France Train Station PC La Gare Monument Horse Carriage A339
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Postcard Old Staines Old Castle
Old Postcard Nancy Hemicycle Palais De La Carriere From the Government
CPA Le Grand FOUGERAY (I.-et-V.) - Le Moulin Blanc (297978)
Modern Postcard Vittel Vosges Pool
Old Postcard Verdun Train Bombard With Arms
Postcard Old Einville N and M Sanon The Good area for fishing
Old Postcard Metz Porte des Allemands
Old Postcard Epinal Rue Leopold Bourg Le Rond Point World market
Postcard Old Lorraine D'Habits Customs Autretois the witch
Old Postcard Contrexeville Park and the Colonnade Sources
CPA AK Bruyeres-En-Vosges - La Gare (279437)
The Lorraine in Fleischmanns, New York
Old Postcard Vittel Children Of The Park
Old Postcard The Nancy Pepiniere The jet & # 39eau
Old Postcard Nancy Place Stanislas Grids Jean Lamour
Postcard St Avold Old Quarter Mahon 146me infantry regiment
Old Postcard Metz The Military Hospital LEGOUEST
Domremy - Arts - Sculpture - Jeanne d & # 39Arc - Old Postcard
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