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465754 USSR 1956 exhibition French art Jean-Francois Millet brushwood collector
453037 1983 State Hermitage Jean-francois Millet peasant women w/ brushwood
484051 1962 French Jean-Francois Millet Portrait Catherine Lemaire second wife
245826 Young farmer Girl by MILLET Vintage Postcard
240955 Abendlauten PRAY on Field by MILLET Vintage postcard
217784 FRANCE Jean Francois Millet ears gatherer old postcard
187802 FRANCE Rural Life Gleaners by MILLET Vintage PC
181065 portrait of Pauline Ono by Millet old postcard
181074 first steps by Millet old postcard
3137865 Firewood lumberjills Lumberjack by MILLET Vintage PC
246141 Young Shepherd w/ Sheeps by MILLET Vintage Postcard
236133 Francois Millet man w/ pickaxe Vintage russian postcard
181071 man with a hoe by Millet old postcard
181066 sower by Millet old postcard
181069 Anzhelyus by Millet old postcard
240839 Abendlauten by MILLET Vintage POST 1904 year postcard
227893 FRANCE Jean Francois Millet firewood gatherers old russian postcard
218217 Jean-Francois Millet Peasant watches a cow old postcard
181075 firewood gatherer by Millet old postcard
181070 woman with buckets by Millet old postcard
181068 gatherer ears by Millet old postcard
181067 farmer plant trees by Millet old postcard
181073 spinner by Millet old postcard
181072 crow by Millet old postcard
3134537 Autumn by Jean Francois MILLET Vintage color PC
245738 L'Angelus PRAY on Field by MILLET Vintage postcard
200495 spinner by Jean Francois Millet old postcard
444613 1929 year USSR Francois Millet brushwood gatherers Vintage postcard
484040 USSR 1962 French Jean-Francois Millet woman carrying firewood bucket
484038 USSR 1962 French artist Jean-Francois Millet shepherdess circulation 8000
483998 USSR 1957 French painting Jean-Francois Millet Gatherers Ears
484049 USSR 1962 French Jean-Francois Millet peasant sheaf circulation 8000
484042 USSR 1962 French artist Jean-Francois Millet first steps circulation 8000
484036 USSR 1962 French Jean-Francois Millet Auvergne shepherdess
484050 USSR 1962 French artist Jean-Francois Millet Sower circulation 8000
484046 USSR 1962 French Jean-Francois Millet peasant wheelbarrow
484045 USSR 1962 French Jean-Francois Millet work at night circulation 8000
484039 USSR 1962 French Jean-Francois Millet beggar girl's head circulation 8000
484043 USSR 1962 French artist Jean-Francois Millet wool carder circulation 8000
484037 USSR 1962 French Jean-Francois Millet going to work circulation 8000
484048 USSR 1962 French Jean-Francois Millet butter churner cat circulation 8000
484047 USSR 1962 French artist Jean-Francois Millet sewing circulation 8000
484041 USSR 1962 French Jean-Francois Millet baby porridge circulation 8000
484044 USSR 1962 French artist Jean-Francois Millet diggers circulation 8000
482162 Abendlauten PRAY on Field by MILLET Vintage postcard
457329 USSR 1957 year Jean Francois Millet Gatherer of Ears old postcard
469179 1963 French art Hermitage Francois Millet peasant women brushwood
469634 USSR 1982 Pushkin Museum Jean-Francois Millet brushwood collector
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