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Bourgogne (Burgundy)
Nievre [58]
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Old Postcard Nevers Vue Generale
Old Postcard Nevers Institution Saint Cyr
Old Postcard Nevers Porte du Croux
Old Postcard Nevers La Porte du Croux
Old Postcard St Honore Les Bains Ways of Providence Pavilion flowers
Postcard Old Saint Parize Old Castle of Tacnes
Old Postcard Nievre Settons Memories Park Montsauche Les Settons
Old Postcard (Nievre) Saint Honore les Bains Park and terraces Morvan
Guerigny - The Gate of Honor - Old Postcard
Old Postcard Chateau de Germancy
Old Postcard Ee Moux Morvan (Nievre) L Etang Nine Roads of Alligny and Settons
Old Postcard The Morvan picturesque The Mountain Beavry The hamlet named blen...
Old Postcard Cercy tower Old Manor Champlevois The drawbridge
Old Postcard Entrains sur Nohain The castle
Old Postcard Cosne sur Loire (Nievre) The Banks of the Nohain
Old Postcard Lac Des Settons Walk in boat
Old Postcard Chateau de Tracy
Old Postcard St Honore les Bains Thermal baths and park
Old Postcard Saint Pierre le Moutier Pieta
Old Postcard Montemoison The ruins of the old castle
Postcard Nevers Old Grid of & # 39eveche
Postcard Old Lormes View the waterfall
Old Postcard Nevers Apse of the & # 39eglise Saint Etienne
Old Postcard Nevers Croux door and front door
Old Postcard Pouilly sur Loire chateau Noret The Court & # 39honneur
Old Postcard Clamecy L & # 39eglise Saint Martin
NEVERS, L'Hotel de Ville, Nievre, France, 00-10s
Old Postcard Master altar of the chapel of St Gildard convent
Old Postcard Nevers Cathedral
Old Postcard Nevers Our Lady of the waters in the gardens of the mother house...
Old Postcard Nevers A mother house of the Sisters of charity Batres In the ga...
Old Postcard Nevers External view of cahpelle or church of sacre coeur
Saint Brisson - the Rock of the Dog - Amas granite with 35 meters height - Ol...
Lormes - One evening d & # 39hiver - Old Postcard
NEVERS, La Loire, Vue prise du sommet de la Cathedrale, Nievre, France, 00-10s
Nevers - Chapel of the Blessed Bernadetta - Old Postcard
Old Postcard Nevers Campanile cathedral
Lormes Old Postcard Waterfall
Pougues les Eaux Old Postcard Facade of Saint Leger & # 39eglise
Lormes - the suburb of & # 39Avallon view taken of Justice - Old Postcard
Nevers Old Postcard Interior of the 15th burial cathedral
Saint Honore les Bains Old Postcard The park and palace Morvan
Nevers Old Postcard La Porte du Croux and outpost
Nevers Old Postcard The Ducal Palace
Modern Postcard Nevers Nievre The Ducal Palace and general view
Nevers Old Postcard General view
Nevers Old Postcard Panoramic view of the cathedral
Postcard Modern Morvan Reservoir Canche
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