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France: Bonsecours - Hotel DU Grand Logis
France: SAINT MALO - LA COTE D'EMERAUDE Vue sur le Casino by ND.
France: SAINT LUNAIRE Un coin de la Plage - Old Postcard
France: SAINT OMER La Gare, Le Square et le Nouveau Pont - Old Postcard by LL.87
Paris RIVER SEINE Barge INSTITUTE DE FRANCE & Bridge c1921 Old Postcard
France STE MAXIME SUR MER La Plage (1) Alpes-Côte d'Azur c1945 RP Postcard
Somme SAINT RIQUIER - L'Eglise, Old PC by ND Phot No.10 140515
LE TREPORT et MERS Vue prise de la Route d'Etalonde, Old PC by Neurdein 140515
LE TREPORT - Vue prise de l'Agence Maritime, Old Postcard by C.A.B. 140515
Somme DOMART en PONTHIEU - Place et Maivie, Old Postcard 140515
VERSAILLES, Le Petit Trianon Le Temple de l'Amour, Old PC by Levy LL.227 140515
Paris, Le Jardin du Luxembourg, Old Postcard - Pub by A.G. & Co 140515
Somme HALLENCOURT - Villa Gabrielle, Old PC by Planquette 140515
TROUVILLE-SUR-MER - Les Jetees au moment de la maree 140515
ABBEVILLE L'Eglise Saint-Vulfran, L'Autel - Levy LL.19 140515
French Rural Country Scene TREE LOGGING CART FOR TRANSORTING by Superluxe Paris
French Rural Country Scene shows CHURCH & COASTAL SCENE by Superluxe Paris
c1903 Childplay DUAL Sword Fencing Règlement de combat RULES OF DUAL - 110515
Les Chansons de Botrel illustrées 679 SMALL GREGORY Le Petit Grégoire 110515
(8) Children play - Girl Carrying A Milk Jug 1903 RP Postcard by Lafyette 110515
(4) Children play - Girl Carrying A Milk Jug 1903 RP Postcard by Lafyette 110515
DRUNKEN SAILOR MARINE NAVY Hisse a bord ohe! Hisse c1904 Pub by Nantes 110515
(1) Children play - Girl Carrying A Milk Jug 1903 RPPostcard by Lafyette 110515
French Romance (1) Officer & Lady, GLAMOUR Hand Coloured RP c1905 by Star 110515
RP c1902 French Romance: No.7 Hand Coloured - Pub by Walery, Paris 110515
RP c1902 French Romance: No.9 Hand Coloured - Pub by Walery, Paris 110515
RP c1902 French Romance: No.1 Hand Coloured - Pub by Walery, Paris 110515
French Fantasy Set of 5 VOULEZ-VOUS UN FRUIT ? c1907 Pub by A.S. 110515
Cannes , Pinsde la Bocca
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Nice, vue sur le Mont Boron
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Royan , Cote d'Argent La Casino Municpal
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France WW I era
Brest , Port Militaire , view from Great Bridge
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Paris, L'Escalier de I'opera , Great Staircase
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Old Postcard Milano Monumento a Garibaldi
French Actress SOPHIE HARDY Sexy Pose~Pajamas~Bernard Of Hollywood 4X6 Postcard
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France: Brittany, COSTUMES BRETON, Jeune Fille de Scaer et Bannalec Old Postcard
Letter 1st flight France France United States April 24, 1939
France: TREGASTEL Pierre Branlante - Old PC
France: REIMS from the air showing shell of Church/Cathedral c1915 Old Postcard
France: TROUVILLE SUR MER La Place de Casino - Old Postcard
La Plage St Mare, Beach, Brest, France
French Set of 4: Young Man Climbs a Balcany to see his Sweetheart c1905 Postcard
France: LEALVILLERS (Somme) L'Eglise - The Church - Pub by G. Lelong
France: LE HAVRE La Palais de Justice c1917
France: SAINT-OMER Rue Carnot et Bureau de Poste POST OFFICE - Old Postcard
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