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c1910s Robinson, France Chateau de Malabry Manor House Odd Decorated Garden A352
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c1900s Paris, France Sainte-Chapelle Gothic Spire Horse Carriages Street PC A349
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c1900s Monte Carlo, Monaco Casino Facade Domed Building Palm Chairs Plaza A354
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c1900s Brissac, France Chateau Main Facade Renaissance Architecture Towers A352
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c1900s Monte Carlo, Monaco Casino Entrance Beaux-Arts Ornate Palm People A355
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c1900s La Charite, France Charity Alley Bridge Street Etch Sketch Art 1905 A351
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1910s Bazeilles, France The Crypt Ossuary Galleries French German WWI A357
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1900s Domremy, France Joan of Arc Bedroom Netting Door Window Historical A353
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c1900s UDB Monte Carlo Monaco Casino Le Theatre Litho Photo Alpes Maritimes A234
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c1900s Preignac France Chateau La Montagne Entrance Ivy Archway Tudor House A354
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c1920s Paris, France Restaurant Bar Fish Shop Prunier Avenue Victor Hugo A352
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c1900s Monte Carlo, Monaco Casino Allee des Palmiers Boulingrins Promenade A355
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c1900s Domremy, France Joan of Arc Farewell Friend Mangette Staff Departure A351
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c1900s Paris, France Christ & Magdalene Painting Lorenzo di Credi Bible Art A350
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c1910s Monaco Port Condamine Steamship Harbor Mountains City Buildings Ship A355
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c1900s Paris, France Place de la Concorde Obelisk Fountain Horses Carriages A354
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c1910s Plessis-Robinson, France Ancient Chateau Hachette Mansion Estate A352
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c1900s Paris, France Louis XVI Chapel Garden Boulevard Haussmann Ornate A356
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c1900s UDB Belfort, France Statue Quand Meme Military Monument Iron Fence A354
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c1900s Paris, France Notre-Dame Cathedral Gothic Delivery Cart Wagon Horses A350
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c1900s Paris, France Grande Roue Ferris Wheel Belle Epoque Worlds Fair Expo A351
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c1900s Saleve, France Railway Castle Monnetier Cliff Tunnel Train Track Car A350
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c1900s Paris France Panorama View of Notre-Dame Cathedral Cityscape Rooftop A357
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c1830s Paris, France Bathers Nude Women Bathing River Scene Painting Vernet A354
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c1910s Paris, France Invalides Dome Church Cross Military Hospital Columns A349
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c1910s Paris, France Bois de Boulogne Lake Rowing Boat Island Gazebo Trees A355
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c1900s Monte Carlo, Monaco Casino Gambling Concession Expires 1913 Ship PC A351
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c1900s Marseille, France Porte d'Aix Triumphal Arch Columns Statues Crowd A353
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c1910s La Charite France Church Abside Romanesque Conical Tower Stone Brick A351
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c1910s Paris, France Sacred Heart Basilica Montmartre Downtown Rooftops A349
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c1900s Le Grand Andely, France Norman Chimney Grand Cerf Hotel Interior A350
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c1900s Paris, France Hotel de Ville Bridge Seine River Horse Carriages Boat A355
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c1910s Paris, France Tomb of Napoleon Les Invalides Domed Crypt Sarcophagus A205
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c1900s Domremy, France View on Basilica River Stream Rural Landscape Fields A351
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c1910s Husseren, France Church Cute Atheist Girl "Quitting Church" Gothic A349
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c1910s Paris, France Cattle Herd Grazing Marsh Landes Rousseau Painting PC A354
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c1900s Parce, France Entrance to Town Church Spire Building Newspaper Man A354
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c1910s Paris, France Bastille Column July Revolution Winged Statue Crowd PC A349
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c1920s Paris, France Hotel St Jean de Latran Bonaparte Street Shops Signs A350
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c1900s Monte Carlo, Monaco Casino Palm Trees Belle Epoque Fashion Umbrellas A355
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c1900s Domremy, France Bridge Church Entrance Rural Village Evergreen Trees A353
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c1910s Monte-Carlo, Monaco Sea View Roquebrune Palm Trees Promenade Lamps A355
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c1920s Paris, France Place de la Concorde Obelisk Tram Bridge Montmartre A356
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c1910s Aiguilles, France Grand Hotel Alpine Valley Queyras Route des Alpes A352
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France Clarée Les alpes La Vachette et la Claree Vintage Postcard B222
Vintage Postcard 1910's La Chaine Des Pyrenees Mountain Ranges Landscapes France
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France Billy-sous-les-Côtes Vintage Postcard B222
1910's Gentiana Acaulis Flower Birthday Greetings & Wishes Card French Postcard
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