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SC - Charleston, Revolutionary War Powder Magazine
War Memorial Baltimore, Maryland MD s
Proclamation of emancipation, US capital USA Civil War Unused
Souvenir from Gettysburg ?????America's greatest shrine The bronze tablet, US...
Pennsylvania State Memorial Gettysburg PA, USA Civil War Unused
Greetings from Alabama, Civil War Centennial USA Civil War Unused
Civil War - Wilderness, Campaign of Force
Miltary Memories Of The War The Battle Of Trenton Washington & Sullivan 1909
Beverly, Scene of Battle of Civil War - Beverly, West Virginia WV
Man-O-War, Wonder Horse - Misc, Kentucky KY
National Cemetery Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, USA Civil War Unused
Civil War Memorial Webster, Massachusetts
Famous Battles of the Civil War - New Market, Shenandoah Valley
War Derbert Unused
Civil War monument Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA Civil War Unused
MA - Montwaite. Site of Eames Massacre
War Memorial Building Balboa Park San Diego California
Addison Chapel Built before War of 1812 - Seat Pleasant, Maryland MD
Civil War - Display of Equipment
Food will win the war United States food administration Advertising Unused
Presentation of War Certificates - Monticello, New York NY
World War Memorial, Bismarck ND
General Morgan's Army in Cumberland Gap. Tenn. Civil War 1909
MA - Lexington. Lexington Minuteman Statue
Lakefront Center County War Memorial - Milwaukee, Wisconsin WI
Confederate Cannon and historic Brotherton house in Chickamauga battlefield R...
Porto Rico Trophy (Spanish-American War, Newark, New Jersey
Mexican War Unused light wear on corners close to grade 1, yellowing on back ...
Union Infantry Of The Civil War 1861-1865 1st Lieutenant Soldier and Drummer Boy
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Military 1991 Topps Dessert Storm Card M-1 Tanks Move Out sk21309
Civil War Memorial County Courthouse, real photo Eldora, Iowa
War - Lake Spofford, New Hampshire NH
Civil War Memorial - Monticello, New York NY
Civil War Memorial - Monticello, New York NY
Man O War, The Wonder Horse Horse Racing Unused
S S John W. Brown Liberty ship of World War ll Military Battle Ship Ship
Antietam national battlefield, blood Elaine Sharpsburg, Maryland, USA Civil W...
Viet Nam To Those Who Served By Frederick Schneider
State Street at the Time of the Revolutionary War Boston, Massachusetts
Official War Postal Card 1919
United State Post Office Before the Civil War - New Orleans, Louisiana LA
Civil War Hospital, Jefferson Barracks - St. Louis County, Missouri MO
World War Soldiers' & Sailors' Monument Endicott, New York
RR Wars - Hill City, Minnesota MN
World War Memorial Goshen, New York
Battle of the crater Petersburg, Virginia, USA Civil War Unused
World War Memorial Monument Port Jervis, New York
World War Memorial & Tower, Atkinson Park - Newburyport, Massachusetts MA
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