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Centre (Val de Loire)
Loir et Cher [41]
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Postcard Old Mennettou sur Cher L and C Levis Bridge and City Gate Joan of Arc
Postcard Old Castle Villesavin by Bracieux (L and C) Court of Honor Sink
Old Postcard Chaumont sur Loire L and C. The west fa?ade and the Loire Chatea...
Postcard Old Talcy L and C of the Interieur Chateau La King Charles IX Room
Postcard Old Mill Chateau XV century L and C Porch Entrance
Old Postcard Chateau de Chaumont sur Loire L and C Room of Ruggieri
Postcard Modern Fougere Bievre on L and C. The Chateau
Postcard Old Lavardin L and C Built under the Merovingian
Postcard Modern Plane above Vouzon L and C
COPY La Ferte Beauharnais L and C. The Farm Horse Islands
Postcard Modern Talcy L and C Chateau court
Old Postcard Chaumont L and C Le Chateau My hist
Postcard Old Sea L and C. The Belfry
Old Postcard Chaumont sur Loire L and C Medallion of Diane de Poitiers
Old Postcard Chaumont L and C Le Chateau My hist XV and XVI centuries
Old Postcard Chateauvieux L and C towers and Terrace of Chateau
Postcard Old Chaumonti Loire on L and C Interieur du Chateau Portrait of Rugg...
Old Postcard Freteval L and C A corner of Loir
Postcard Old Lavardin L and C Built under the Merovingian was rebuilt in the ...
Postcard Ancient Ruins Freteval L and C Tower
Old Postcard Lavardin L and C. The Interior Castle Dungeon
Old Postcard Chateau de Chaumont sur Loire L and C Board Room of the era of L...
Old Postcard Chaumont sur Loire L and C. The Guard Room
Old Postcard Chateau de Chaumont sur Loire L and C the Well
Postcard Old Lavardin L and C Built under the Merovingian
Modern Postcard Fougeres sur Bievre L and C courtyard turret
Old Postcard Chateau de Chaumont sur Loire L and C
Postcard Old Talcy L and C Interieur du Chateau Salon
Old Postcard Chateau of Menars L and C Grand Perron
Old Postcard Menars Chateau L and C Statue of Augustus
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