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Ca 1910 PPC Bronze Medal Don Inigo d'Avalos 2nd Marquis Of Pescara See Info
BF23505 pescara italy front/back image
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B66557 Pescara porto Canale Crepuscolo italy
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Italy Pescara Jolly Hotel Vintage Luggage Label sk2296
Italy Postcard - Abruzzo, Pescara - Pineta RS27840
04100 vintage postcard - PESCARA: PENS-
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06543 CARTOLINA d'Epoca - PESCARA Citta'
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06544 Vintage Postcard - Fishing - Adriatic Castellamare-
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00628 Vintage Postcard: Caramanico - Pescara-
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60445 - vintage postcard - L'EAQUILA / PESCARA: ADVERTISING 1950-
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08126 vintage postcard - PESCARA: PENS-
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Vintage Postcard Continental Size Panorama of the Pavillion at Pescara Italy '76
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06539 Cartolina D'epoca - Pescara Citta' - Piazza V. Emanuele
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Cartolina D'epoca: Pescara Pubblicitaria: Dearcangelis
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Vintage Postcard: Pescara Citta'-
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00629 vintage postcard: PESCARA city-
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00637 Vintage Postcard: Pens - Pescara-
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00644 Vintage Postcard: Caramanico - Pescara-
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00649 Vintage Postcard: Adriatic Castelammare - Pescara-
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Italy Postcard 1979 Pescara to Germany 1984 Pescara Along the river N. 6.
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06536 vintage postcard - PESCARA Citta'-
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06545 vintage postcard - PESCARA Citta'-
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06540 Vintage Postcard - Caserta - Monteporzio and Mondragon-
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06538 Vintage Postcard - Pescara - Pens: Double-
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00650 vintage postcard: PENS - PESCARA-
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41312 vintage postcard - PESCARA: ILLUSTRATED ADVERTISING-
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Italy Saluti da Pescara Multi View Panorama
00645 Vintage Postcard: SAN Valentino D'abruzzo - Pescara-
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00630 vintage postcard: CIVITAQUANA - PESCARA-
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Pescara - Stamp Poster Lock on Envelope : Aviation Show 19474-
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00643 vintage postcard: PENS - PESCARA-
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Italy Saluti da Pescara Panorama Muli View 1967
Lot 91 pescara the seaside car truck italy
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Italy Postcard Pescara to Germany 1984 Pescara Panorama PES 72/183.
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Italy Postcard - Abruzzo, Pescara - Pineta RS27840
Italy Postcard Pescara to Germany 1984 Montesilvano - Mulino MON 5/36..
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BT0148 pescara vue d l avion Italy
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B-162138 Amateur Radio Station, IZ6ATS, Pescara, Italy
B47582 Pescara Piazza Salotto Corso Umberto italy
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31111 Kingdom: Elice Cancellation Envelope - Teramo (Pescara?) 1900-
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Vintage Continental Size Postcard (4) Mini-Views of Pescara Italy 1980s
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25270 Cardboard With Special Cancellation : CAR Circuit Pescara 1948-
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44491 - ITALY KINGDOM: postal history - BEAUTIFUL ENVELOPE by Caramanico 1904-
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64029 - Italy - Postal History: Advertising Envelope Pescara 1907 - Espresso-
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