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Bretagne (Brittany)
Morbihan [56]
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Old Postcard Ploermel Church Portal Saint Arinel Gothic Style century XvI
Postcard Ploermel Old church Saint Armel
CPA PLOERMEL - Vue générale - Celte ville dont le nom vent dire Peuple (33139)
Ploermel Old Postcard The cascade of & # 39etang
Old Postcard Ploermel The Church
CPA PLOERMEL - Rue des Francs-Bourgeois - Maison Jacques II (293755)
Old Postcard Ploermel House of the Dukes of Brittany
Old Postcard Ploermel L Etang New Bridge Electric Factory I dt
Postcard Ploermel Old church Saint Armel Facing North Side
Old Postcard Ploermel Rue Beaumanoir
Old Postcard Ploermel L Eglise Saint Armel Historical Monument
Old Postcard Ploermel Chateau Malville
Old Postcard Ploermel (Morbihan) Church Saint Armel North Portal
Old Postcard Ploermel The pond at Duke
Old Postcard Ploermel Portal of I Church (North Coast)
Postcard Ploermel Old Church St Armel
Old Postcard Ploermel Tour de L Eglise Saint Armel
Old Postcard Ploermel L Eglise Saint Armel Facade Lateral Left
Old Postcard Ploermel Hotel Dukes of Mercoeur
Old Postcard Ploermel Vue Generale
Old Postcard Ploermel (Morbihan) The Church north entrance has double doors b...
Postcard Ancient Church of Ploermel Verrieve the 15th
Old Postcard Ploermel North Portal of L & # 39Eglise St Armel
Old Postcard Ploermer House Due Mercoeur
CPA PLOERMEL - Maison des Carmes, Casernement (33147)
CPA Env. de PLOERMEL - Noce Bretenne - Le repas en plein air (33154)
Old Postcard Ploermel Tomb of Philippe de Montauban Elevate Midheaven Cloiste...
Old Postcard Ploermel Morbihan surroundings of Vieux Chateau Trecesson
Postcard Ploermel Old church Saint Armel North Portal
Old Postcard Ploermel (Morbihan) Rue Beaumanoir House Marmousets
Ploermel Old Postcard Old square house of & # 39union
Old Postcard Ploermel L & # 39Hotel City
CPA PLOERMEL - École de la Mennais - L'Horloge du Pierre Bernardin (33148)
CPA PLOERMEL - Hotel du Duc de Mercoeur (XVI siecle) (33146)
CPA PLOERMEL - Hotel du Duc de Mercoeur (33140)
CPA PLOERMEL - Fant tut de Meme en laisser ! (33142)
CPA PLOERMEL - Un Repas de Noce a la Campagne (33155)
Old Postcard Ploermel Tomb of Philippe de Montauban Chancellor of Anne of Bri...
Postcard Old School Ploermel Lamenals L Allee des Chenes
Old Postcard Ploermel La Cascade
Old Postcard Ploermel A corner of I to Duke Pond
Old Postcard Ploermel (Morbihan) The Pond at Duke
Old Postcard Ploermel (Morbihan) Philippe Tomb of Montauban and Anne of Chast...
Modern Postcard Ploermel (Morbihan) North Portal of I Church
CPA PLOERMEL - Rue Beaumanoire Maison dite des Marmousets (1586) (33141)
Old Postcard Plouharnel Abbave Saint Michel Kergonan
CPA PLOERMEL - Vieille Maison rue des Francs-Bourgenis (XIII siecle) (33145)
Old Postcard Ploermel The Church Facade Saint Armel Cote Nord
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