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340605-Political Advertising Postcard, Mayor Florence E Douglas, Vallejo CA
MA - US Postal Card (Jefferson 1-cent) Political Ad for Lt. Gov. Horace Cahill
340785-Political Advertising Postcard, Dean Arbuckle, Iowa State Senator
Our Choice President Wm H Taft Vice-President James s Sherman, Used 1908
340417-Political Advertising Postcard, Judge George M Glasser Lucas County Ohio
Gaston Dubeau, 1978 Mayoralty Election, Ville de Brossard Quebec Matchbook Cover
Clarence Miller For Congress Lancaster Ohio
Or Best Offer
NY - New York City, Sen. Edward Kennedy Addresses Democratic Nat'l Convention
Edwina Currie Vintage Conservative Election Campaign Hand Signed Photo
Sunbathing Election Poster 1950s Upskirt 2x Sexy Glamour Postcard s
Clarence E Miller for Congress Postcard
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National Republican Convention,1984 Dallas,TX Postcard
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Ban Fox Hunting Anti Blood Sports Vote Council Protest Postcard
M E Field,Canidate,3rd Congression District,WA Postcard
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AS, John J. Purcell For Mayor, 1940-1960s
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President Gerald R Ford Celebration at the Old North Bridge Concord - [MX-290]
Her First Vote Writing on back
Signed, Congressman Leroy Anderson, Democrat For U.S. Senator, 1940-1950s
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Old Postcard The English week
529621 1960 Lithuania Republican Song Festival Special Sticker Vilnius COVER
President Jimmy Carter Inaugurated 1977 - [MX-294]
Republican Outling Buffalo, New York
Old Postcard Politics Elections
President Jimmy Carter Inaugurated 1977 - [MX-287]
Vote for Ford and Dole in 1976 Postcard
Lincoln's Address, President Abraham Lincoln, David Blocher
Old Postcard L & # 39election of Mayor
340615-Political Advertising Postcard, Larry Hogan Maryland Congressman
340467-Political Advertising Postcard, Mary B Parkhurst, Chili New York
340779-Political Advertising Postcard, William F Condon Westchester County NY
340587-Political Advertising Postcard, Ed Schueler, Dutchess County New York
340411-Political Advertising Postcard, Lawrence Weiss, Westfield NJ
340489-Political Advertising Postcard, Republicans Ed Walder Bob Long & De Groot
340581-Political Advertising Postcard, Lois R. Raber, Illinois Senate
340727-Political Advertising Postcard, John W Burke, Oyster Bay NY Supervisor
340773-Political Advertising Postcard, Joseph Ted Doyle, Harrisburg PA State Rep
340569-Political Advertising Postcard, Daniel W. Moylan, Washington County MD
340715-Political Advertising Postcard, Eugene Nickerson, Nassau Cty NY Executive
340655-Political Advertising Postcard, Samuel S. Kent, Republican,Chili New York
340803-Political Advertising Postcard, Howard R Parker, Indiana Governor
340627-Political Advertising Postcard, Bob Gammage & Family, Texas Senator
340509-Political Advertising Postcard, Joseph T Doyle PA State Legislature
340593-Political Advertising Postcard, Jeffrey K Davison Illinois 51st District
340747-Political Advertising Postcard, Julian Lapides Maryland State Senate
Simon Hiughes Liberal Democrats Deputy Leader MP Hand Signed Photo
340681-Political Advertising Postcard, Henry M Novak Macon County IL Auditor
Suffragette in 1917 At White House USA Votes For Women New York Postcard
340575-Political Advertising Postcard, Bob Gammage State Senator, Texas
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