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USS John F Kennedy CV67 US Atlantic, Mediterranean Unused
Herbert Clark Hoover, Hall of Presidents, Wax Museum Colorado Springs, CO, US...
President, Seminole Tribe Florida Inc, Hollywood Seminole Indians, Florida US...
Dress of Mary Todd Lincoln US National Museum, Smithsonian Institution Unused
Portraits of US Presidents Artist Morris Katz Unused
April 18, 1983 US Embassy Beirut, Labanon Political Unused
Joint Session US Congress Hall of Representatives Political Unused
Democrat US Senate Patriotic Writing on back
John Patton US Congress Political Unused
Arthur Capper for US Senator, Political Unused
US Receiving Ships Richmond & Franklin Ship Unused small tear top edge
SS President Ferry Boats, Ship 1961 light wear, yellowing from age, postal us...
US Grant Commander of the Union Army & President of the US Unused
US 20, Lawnfield, President James A Garfield Mentor, OH, USA Unused
Carrara Marble Statue of President James Monroe Charlottesville, Virginia, US...
Summer Home of the Late John F Kennedy, 35th President Hyannis Port, Mass, us...
USS Joseph P Kennedy, JR DD850 US Atlantic Fleet Unused
Portraits of US Presidents Artist Morris Katz Unused
Portraits of US Presidents Artist Morris Katz Unused
Teddy Roosevelt, President, Politics Biography, US History 1925 Fancy Border
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Portraits of US Presidents Artist Morris Katz Unused
Ronald Reagan, US President Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko Unused
Homage to President John Fitzgerald Kennedy US Capitol, USA Unused
George Washington US President First in War First in Peace Embossed
US Government Building Chicago 1934 International Exposition Political Unused
Summer Home of the Late John F Kennedy, 35th President Hyannis Port, Mass, US...
Summer Home of the Late John F Kennedy, 35th President Hyannis Port, Mass, us...
US Grant Commander of the Union Army & President of the US Unused
Dress of Mary Todd Lincoln US National Museum, Smithsonian Institution Writin...
Dining Room, Ash Lawn, Home of President James Monroe Charlottesville, VA, US...
Herbert Hoover Presidential Library, Hoover Dam Diorama West Branch, Iowa, US...
Grand Trunk Western Railroad First Train Trip to US as President May 15, 1976...
Dwight David Eisenhower 34th President of the US Unused
Dining Room, Ash Lawn, Home of President James Monroe Charlottesville, VA, US...
Gene McNary-US Senator Political Writing on Back
US Congress in Session Washington DC Political Unused
Lincoln Hy US 30 Opera 1929
President Richard M Nixon Inaugurate Jan 20, 1969 37th President of the US Un...
Johnson's Office, Lyndon B Johnson's National Historic Site Stonewall, TX, US...
US President Dwight Eisenhower Home and Museum Abilene Kansas
Joint Session US Congress Message of Congress Political Unused
Jim Allen US Senate Political Unused
Bill Saxbe US Senate Political Unused
First Berry Lincoln Store US Post Office Lincoln's New Salem, IL, USA Unused
US Air Force – one The official plan for the president of the United S...
First Berry Lincoln Store US Post Office Lincoln's New Salem, IL, USA Unused
Arrival building John F. Kennedy International Airport Idlewild, New York, US...
US Air Force one The official plan for the president of the United States Air...
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