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President Nancy Reagan Ron Jr Goodyear Blimp Doris The America Political PC
Walter Mondale Vs Ronald Reagan Debate 1984 Political
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Postcard Show, Toronto, Woodcut No Cruise Missiles Political Protest, Deltiology
John Jock Colville Winston Churchill WW2 War Diaries To Doctor Hand Signed Le...
Politics Humour Ronald Reagan The Capitol Cut Up
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Tax Atwood? Canadian Political Protest Taxing Books 1999 Prime Minister Mulroney
340605-Political Advertising Postcard, Mayor Florence E Douglas, Vallejo CA
President Abraham Lincoln
A Portrait of Jimmy Carter 19h President US and Rosalynn First Lady
Political Humour Ronald Reagan Hot Air
President Jimmy Carter receiving Honorary Degree from University of Notre Dame
Military Men Imperial Cortege of Great Funeral Late Emeperor JAPAN Unused c1920s
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Ronald Reagan 40th President of the United States Pardons the National Turkey
Nancy Reagan - "Flower Sale" Artist Signed: Art Strader
Message From Kenya Prime Minister Kenyatta KENYA Used c1963
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Political Humour Ronald Reagan Doc Reagan Says Abolish Waist and Reduce Infla...
WJ Bryan w/his posse President Winona Assembly Winona Lake Indiana Unused c1910s
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US President John F Kennedy & First Lady Jacqueline at Dallas Airport
President Jimmy Carter receiving Honorary Degree at University of Notre Dame
Ronald Reagan The New Vetoad
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Teddy Roosevelt as Cowboy in Dakota Badlands Circa 1883 Western USA Recent Print
President Abraham Lincoln Gettysburg Address 1910 Tuck postcard
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Politics Humour Ronald Reagan It's Tough To Budget
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President Woodrow Wilson Stars & Stripes Flag Patriotic WWI 1923 postcard
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Politicians Oregon Governor Vic Atiyeh
Robert Menzies Former Australian Prime Minister Antique Hand Signed Letter
President Abraham Lincoln Emancipation Proclamation 1910c Tuck postcard
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340417-Political Advertising Postcard, Judge George M Glasser Lucas County Ohio
Ulysses S Grant Civil War General and 18th President - Recent Print
President Ronald Reagan wife Nancy Kids Postcard PC
340785-Political Advertising Postcard, Dean Arbuckle, Iowa State Senator
The First Family - Barbara and President George W. Bush
President Jimmy Carter and Family
Rejoice at that News, Margaret Thatcher 1982, Careless Talk Costs Lives Series.
Williiam Howard Taft for President Copyright 1908 Moffett Studio Chicago IL
Multi-View Moro Natives PHILIPPINES Used c1910s
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Assassination Scene, President John Fitzgerald Kennedy
19th Century - The Desperation of Fat Louis: "These damn Grenadiers will alwa...
Abraham Lincoln
U. S. President - Calvin Coolidge Artist: Morris Katz
Real Photo, Governor Hughes, Johnstown, New York October 2, 1908
Jimmy & Rosalynn Carter & Ronald & Nancy Regan Presidents 1980 in Washington DC
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Ronald Reagan, 40th President, Boy Scouts, Pennsylvania
President Lyndon B. Johnson Portrait
President George Washington Portrait Cherry Tree Patriotic 1910c postcard
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Richard Nixon, Presidents of the United States with Biographical Facts
President Jimmy Carter receiving Honorary Degree from University of Notre Dame
Patriotic, George Washington, President, Used 1911 Flag Cancel
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