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Bourgogne (Burgundy)
Yonne [89]
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L'Abbaye,les Stalles,Pontigny,France BIN
Modern Postcard Abbey Pontigny Yonne
Postcard Old Pontigny Yonne Ruins of The Old Chapel
Modern Postcard Abbey of Pontigny (Yonne)
Postcard Old Pontigny Abbey Tomb Of Saint Edme
Postcard Old Pontigny (Yonne) Ruins of the Old Chapel (XIIth Century)
Postcard Old Pontigny Yonne Pavilion Abbey
Postcard Modern Yonne Pontigny Abbey
Postcard Modern Pontigny (Yonne) The Cistercian abbey The twelfth S Bedside
BR39292 Pontigny vue aerienne de l eglise france
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Modern Postcard Abbey of Pontigny (Yonne) Porch duXVII� s view allee
Modern Postcard Abbey Pontigny Yonne
CPA Pontigny - Abbaye de Pontigny - Piliers de la Nef FRANCE (960778)
Old Postcard Pontigny Cloitre North From & # 39Abbaye
Postcard From Pontigny Abbey Refectory
CPA Pontigny - Abbaye de Pontigny - Refectoire FRANCE (960780)
Old Postcard Pontigny L & # 39Abbaye Staircase Leading a hunting St Elmo
Postcard Old Pontigny Abbey
Old Postcard Pontigny L & # 39Abbaye Vue Generale
VINTAGE POSTCARD the Abbey Pontigny The Chapel of the Blessed Virgin
Old Postcard Pontigny Hunting Saint Edme In & # 39eglise
Postcard From Old Pontigny Door & # 39Abbaye
PONTIGNY : scierie duranton - tres bon etat
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CPM PONTIGNY L'Abbaye (1195977)
CPM PONTIGNY L'Abbaye (1196092)
PONTIGNY: la gare - état
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CPM PONTIGNY L'Abbaye (1195976)
BR10451 Pontigny Abbaye france
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PONTIGNY: attelage de la tuilerie(?) - très bon état
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Postcard Old Pontigny Yonne inside the church XI century grid iron forye the ...
PONTIGNY: monuments funéraires, route de saint-florentin, monuments en tous ...
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Postcard Old Yonne Pontigny Abbey Lady Chapel
Postcard Old Yonne Pontigny Abbey Nave and Choir
Postcard Old church in Burgundy Yonne of Pontiggny Altar of St Edme and Tomb
Old Postcard Champigny sur Yonne Yonne Interior of the Church
CPA PONTIGNY - Vue générale prise du clocher (147140)
CPA PONTIGNY - L'Abbaye la Grille du Choeur et les Stalles (658642)
CPA PONTIGNY - Vue générale prise du clocher (147143)
CPA PONTIGNY - abbaye (147141)
CPA PONTIGNY - L'Abbaye la grande Nef (658716)
CPA PONTIGNY - avenue de l'abbaye (147142)
Modern Postcard Abbey of Pontigny (Yonne) The Protector Virgin
Postcard Modern Pontigny (Yonne) and Light Colors of France The Abbey Church ...
Postcard Modern Pontigny (Yonne) Colors and Light France Saint Edme (XVIII Ce...
Old Postcard Pontigny L & # 39Abbaye gantry Detail
Old Postcard Pontigny (Yonne) The Abbey Church (XII s)
Postcard From Abbey Pontigny The carved door
Postcard Modern Pontigny (Yonne) Church Aerial View and Building remainder of...
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