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400931 JAPAN theatre RPPC shipping post Kobe to London SIBERIA
3119862 mark aeronautic platoon ballonabteiliing #1 Montenegro
3144502 Belarus MINSK school POSTMARK 2nd Team fighter aircraft
Postal Stationery, Canada, George VI 3C Revalued 4C, Canadian National Express
Old Postcard Telegraphie W2HWN Plainfield New Jersey Hillside Avenue Max Kunzman
Postcard Old Telegraphie VQ2AT Northern Rhodesia
285182 HUNGARY 1956 stamp w/ autograph of author of project
236216 RUSSIA girl 1912 year photo RPPC TOBOLSK MOSCOW
Used Block of Four Postage Stamps, Canada Ships 10 Cents, Scott 700-703
"Letter' Carrier's Uniform 1855" Modern English artist drawn postca
Or Best Offer
United Nations Postal Administration "For A Better Environment"
Switzerland 10 Postal Stationery, Stamps, Used 1959
Used 1906, Swansent, Ontario Split Ring Cancel,
Violet Poem, Used 1909, Split Ring Cancel, Strathmore, Alberta
Postal Stationery Postcard, 1897 Split Ring Cancel, Elgin, New Brunswick
Smallest Post Office Building, OCHOPEE, Florida, 40-60's
US Postal Stationery Jefferson 1C, Fire Insurance, Used 1940 Presque Isle Maine
432449 Latvia postage Train #272 Shtokmanshof Valk Plavinas Valka
425263 Aland Islands 2002 year aerogramme postal cover POSTAL stationery
400935 JAPAN TOKYO Cherry 1908 y shiiping post Ligne #6 HANOI
William Mulready, Stationery, Portrait, National Postal Museum, London, England
3169624 Winter X-MAS Girl w/ parcel POST 1913 old PHOTO GUDAUTA
3132412 Postmark Ship Steamboat Parokhod Batumi Odessa OLD
Mail Coach Museum Derbyshire
3083744 Military postmark senior doctor of 11 Siberian regiment
3083248 Military postmark Donskogo 41 Cossack regiment & ASTI
Postcard Old Telegraphie J1SLZ Anotnio Barletta Via Umberto Monopoli Bari Italy
250802 Germany Soviet Occupation Zone 1948 Y Rppc Advertising
PHOTO CARD Postman Germany
Hand Painted, 1908, Flowers, Remember Me, Canadian Edward VII Postal Stationery
223566 RUSSIA DENMARK RPPC PETROGRAD censored #606 1916 year
Canada Postal Stationery, Victoria, Used 1902 Split Ring Cancel New Brunswick,
Postal Stationery Postcard, 1901 Split Ring Cancel, Dorchester, New Brunswick
Post Office Issue Postcard, 1977 Russia, NOYTA CCCP
Mailman Boy delivers letter , 00-10s
196230 JAPAN Vintage folded real posted postal card letter
196123 SOUTH AFRICA TRANSVAAL Johannesburg 1905 year RPPC
US Postal Stationery Jefferson 1C , Used 1940, Presque Isle Maine
US Postal Stationery, 15 Cent Cover, Used 1979, New York, Animals, Elephant etc
US Postal Stationery, 5 Cent Envelope, Used 1963, Copley Coin, Massachusetts
United States Mail Railway Post Office, Express, Seashore Trolley Museum, Maine
400936 EGYPT CAIRO Musky street Vintage RPPC shiiping post
400932 JAPAN Geisha girl RPPC shipping post Kobe London CANADA
Jacob Perkins, Portrait, National Postal Museum, London, England
415887 HUNGARY Sopron 1919 year postal RPPC stamp w/ surcharge
3130298 Goddess Ceres w/ Angels by Lionel ROUE Arkhangelsk 1914
3075343 Lithuania RARE Postmark Vilno Railway Station HENS RPPC
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