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241357 GERMANY flowers roses greetings 1953 year RPPC
240088 FASHION Kids Girl Boy FLOWERS Vintage PHOTO Bahnpost PC
Woman with package "COLIS POSTAL!" , 00-10s
235931 RUSSIA swain musician St.Eugenie RPPC Tsarskoye Selo
235835 RUSSIA Volga Bridge Alexander 1917 RPPC Syzran station
232378 CAT RPPC russian 1914 TRAIN #197 Krasnoyarsk IRKUTSK
232318 RUSSIA girl in flowers HAT RPPC St.Petersburg 1902 year
229350 USSR 8 March NAVY captains greetings w/ autograph
221605 HUNGARY flowers Old air mail RPPC to USSR photo
221575 IRAN Persia 1974 year maximum card blank
221569 IRAN Persia 1990 year Ferdowsi intl. congress card
215998 X-MAS Lady BOY SNOWMAN old Russian TRAIN postmark #40
213990 SWITZERLAND LAUSANNE RPPC to RUSSIA train #19 1902 year
207734 SERBIA 1922 year consignment note w/ many stamps
206384 MONTENEGRO unused 1896 year POSTAL STATIONERY postcard
206383 JAPAN 1/2 Sen orange unused POSTAL STATIONERY postcard
204544 Without home telephone exchange RPPC MEADOWS old
204501 RPPC Petersburg Pargolovo telephone exchange old
197916 RUSSO JAPAN WAR ILI to OHTSU military post
197593 USSR Yalta RPPC steamer Batumi Odessa 1930 year
196460 CHINA Panda stamp 1973 year on souvenir sheet
196399 USSR 1925 year receipt to cash order w/ revenue stamp
196367 USSR 1925 year receipt to cash order w/ revenue stamp
196268 AFRICA desert TUNIS 1948 year RPPC
196255 JAPAN military post postal card
196136 GERMANY Neuenstein real posted 1930 year postal card
196118 GERMANY Osnabruck 1906 year RPPC
196090 GERMANY Old postal card
196076 GERMANY BAYERN real posted 1912 year postal card
196065 GERMANY BAYERN Vintage real posted postal card
195972 Exposition USSR Moscow Paris 1966 year Maximum card
Post Office Chattanooga Tennessee
180004 CISKEI mushrooms 4 maximum cards
Post Office & Custom House Burlington VT Used c1914
Or Best Offer
North Carolina Dunn Post Office
Post Office Building Sharon PA Used c1930
Or Best Offer
#720 Definitive, Corner Block of Four Canada Stamps, 1979
Postal Stationery, Canada, Queen Elizabeth 2 Cent Green Envelope, Used 1960
Airmail Cover from Dubai, United Arab Emirates to Long Beach, California, Used
431968 RUSSIA Lovers kiss 1910 year photo RPPC postage train #3
424170 GREECE to GERMANY 1940 Olympia Hermes OLD photo special cancellation RPPC
422717 GERMANY 1991 year Madonna ADVERTISING Dusseldorf RPPC
422715 GERMANY 1994 Georgius Agricola RPPC Automatenmarken Variable value stamp
422664 GERMANY BERLIN 1958 year folding special cancellation Dusseldorf RPPC
422568 EAST GERMANY GDR 1978 year Halle Saale river ship ADVERTISING RPPC
422571 EAST GERMANY GDR 1976 year 20 years of RPPC w/ Pelican stamp
422242 USA to GERMANY 1999 year Dasies & Diamonds RPPC w/ flowers stamps
422159 HUNGARY to GERMANY 1972 year Zoological Institute RPPC
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