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498859 Luxembourg 1962 philatelic card European conference united Europe
449586 GERMANY 1961 year Postage meter Europe Day Gross-Gerau postcard
449585 GERMANY 1961 year special cancellations Europe Day Gross-Gerau postcard
420858 FRANCE 1960 year Council of Europe CEPT card
420857 FRANCE 1959 year Council of Europe CEPT card
450586 Belgium 1984 First Day card elections united europe special cancellation
449587 GERMANY 1961 year Postage meter Europe Day Gross-Gerau postcard
449584 GERMANY 1961 year special cancellations Europe Day Gross-Gerau postcard
449583 GERMANY 1961 year special cancellations Europe Day Gross-Gerau postcard
450583 Belgium 1984 First Day card elections united europe special cancellation
450585 Belgium 1984 year First Day card Europe special cancellations
450584 Belgium 1984 First Day card elections united europe special cancellation
201839 GERMANY EUROPA UNION 1948 year postcard w/ special mark
449974 GERMANY 1990 year Karlsruhe flower Europa CEPT Special cancellation
420905 GERMANY 1967 year EUROPA Postage meter card
421007 GERMANY FRANCE 1962 EUROPA CEPT Baden Baden exhibition folding card
466478 1964 Germany Europa CEPT philatelic exhibition Baden-Baden cancellations
466484 1964 year Europa CEPT France army mail special cancellations postcard
201840 GERMANY EUROPA UNION 1948 year postcard w/ special mark
449973 GERMANY 1990 year Karlsruhe flower Europa CEPT Special cancellation
3080133 AUSTRIA Portschach am Worthersee Hotel Europa RPPC
419782 GERMANY 1961 year EUROPA CEPT Gross-Gerau postcard
419783 GERMANY 1963 year EUROPA CEPT philatelic exhibition Werbeschau postcard
419591 AUSTRIA 1983 year Osnabruck Europa CEPT stamp card
420134 BELGIUM 1984 EUROPA CEPT elections Braine-L'Alleud Temporary post office
420132 BELGIUM 1984 EUROPA CEPT elections Dottignies Temporary post office card
420130 BELGIUM 1984 year EUROPA CEPT Faimes Temporary post office card
420128 BELGIUM 1984 year EUROPA CEPT Mariakerke Temporary post office card
420126 BELGIUM 1984 year EUROPA CEPT Faimes Temporary post office card
420124 BELGIUM 1984 year EUROPA CEPT Ternat Temporary post office card
420122 BELGIUM 1984 year EUROPA CEPT Mariakerke Temporary post office card
420123 BELGIUM 1984 year EUROPA CEPT Bruxelles Temporary post office card
420125 BELGIUM 1984 year EUROPA CEPT Couvin Temporary post office card
420129 BELGIUM 1984 year EUROPA CEPT Ternat Temporary post office card
420127 BELGIUM 1984 year EUROPA CEPT Klerken Temporary post office card
420131 BELGIUM 1984 year EUROPA CEPT Klerken Temporary post office card
420135 BELGIUM 1984 EUROPA CEPT elections Braine-L'Alleud Temporary post office
420133 BELGIUM 1984 EUROPA CEPT elections Dottignies Temporary post office card
420136 BELGIUM 1984 y EUROPA CEPT elections Buxelles Temporary post office card
420138 BELGIUM 1984 y EUROPA CEPT elections Buxelles Temporary post office card
420139 BELGIUM 1984 y EUROPA CEPT elections Buxelles Temporary post office card
420137 BELGIUM 1984 y EUROPA CEPT elections Buxelles Temporary post office card
419784 GERMANY 1963 y EUROPA CEPT philatelic exhibition Holland Marburg postcard
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