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255799 USSR Shostakovich feat orchestra 1972 theatre Program
255802 USSR Opera Lohengrin Wagner 1985 year theatre Program
255808 USSR Spain anthology sarsuela 1982 year theatre Program
255791 USSR Shanyavsky two theaters 1970 year Program
255795 USSR Rozov Traditional collection 1971 theatre Program
255798 USSR Rozov from evening till noon 1970 theatre Program
255788 USSR Volodin is my elder sister 1966 y theatre Program
255778 USSR Gorky Meshchane 1970 year theatre Program
255782 USSR Brecht Career Arturo Ui 1965 year theatre Program
255777 USSR Baranga public opinion 1977 year theatre Program
255759 USSR Kolker Death of Tarelkin 1985 year theatre Program
255771 USSR Shahade emigrant from Brisbane theatre Program
255770 USSR Kapralov third guardian 1971 year theatre Program
255764 USSR Dozortsev Last Visitors 1988 year theatre Program
255768 USSR Miller Price 1969 year theatre Program
255765 USSR Schaeffer Amadeus 1983 year theatre Program
255748 USSR Krasnogorov charms of treason 1986 theatre Program
255747 USSR Chervinsky my happiness 1984 year theatre Program
255752 USSR Gelman bench 1988 year theatre Program
255745 USSR Galin stars in morning sky 1987 y theatre Program
255749 USSR Delaney Taste of honey 1973 year theatre Program
255753 USSR Moscow Music Hall 1970 year theatre Program
255757 USSR Stein Ocean 1965 year theatre Program
255726 USSR Arthur Hailey Airport 1977 year theatre Program
255742 RUSSIA Fugard here live people 1995 y theatre Program
255739 USSR Choreographic ensemble Beryozka theatre Program
255729 USSR Concert 102nd anniversary Lenin theatre Program
255738 USSR Choreographic ensemble Beryozka theatre Program
255718 USSR Malyugin life Saint-Exupery 1971 y theatre Program
255717 USSR Hrabovitsky while heart beats 1977 theatre Program
255725 USSR Dostoyevsky player 1963 year theatre Program
255719 USSR Erdman suicide 1988 year theatre Program
255716 USSR Pavlovsky elegy 1977 year theatre Program
255720 USSR Solntsev Braking in sky 1988 year theatre Program
255701 USSR Zhukhovitsky justice is my craft theatre Program
255699 USSR Jacques Robert meeting 1964 year theatre Program
255707 USSR Lavrentyev honored his father 1965 theatre Program
255704 USSR Alyoshin is still people 1961 year theatre Program
255708 USSR Arbuzov fairy tale old Arbat 1971 theatre Program
255689 USSR Galin Eastern tribune 1986 year theatre Program
255693 USSR Arbuzov Unidentified Witness OLD theatre Program
255697 USSR Alyoshin main role 1965 year theatre Program
255692 USSR Drutse named after earth & sun theatre Program
255673 USSR Tolstoy death Ivan Terrible 1977 y theatre Program
255675 USSR Gabrilovich unusual gift 1971 year theatre Program
255680 USSR Zagrebelny who for who against OLD theatre Program
255671 USSR Galin Retro 1983 year theatre Program
255668 USSR Simonov few days without war 1975 theatre Program
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