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Red Cross
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P3246 old postcard romance couple under apple tree with 1908 red cross stamp
American Camp Red Cross Unused
3145766 RUSSIA RED CROSS POSTMARK Grand Duchess Elizabeth OLD
Red Cross Red Cross Writing on back writing on front
Sagres Portuguese Red Cross Sails Training Ship 1970s Rare Postcard
3139766 Red CROSS girl by TWELVETREES Vintage PC
3145765 RUSSIA RED CROSS POSTMARK Hospital named Traders 1914
American 1920s Red Cross LGBT Human Rights Button Badge Postcard
National Red Cross Artist Signed Norman Rockwell, Unused light crease right b...
3132274 RUSSIAN Red CROSS PROPAGANDA girl Vintage PC
3185419 RED CROSS by ROESSLER old WWI FELDPOST 18 Res.-Division
3100196 WWI Red CROSS Charity by Ploshinskiy Vintage PC
440699 Liechtenstein 1984 FDC industry people professions Red Cross block stamps
3159678 WWI German Shepherd Dog RED CROSS Dead Soldier PAILER
3159685 Belgium WWI RED CROSS Dead Soldier by Pierre PAULUS
3126625 ITALY RED CROSS IV Gverra by Gascella Vintage postcard
3070176 WWI Red CROSS PROPAGANDA Hospitable Moscow EASTER old
3159684 RED CROSS Military field Hospital Our army & navy OLD
3020985 WWI RED CROSS girls & soldier RUS PROPAGANDA Vintage PC
3054911 RUSSIA MILITARY FORM Kardovskiy Red cross PC3
247956 WWI field locker RED CROSS 1918 german military RPPC
3159696 Caricature Propaganda WWI RED CROSS Dead Soldiers OLD
3126624 ITALY RED CROSS IV Gverra by Gascella Vintage postcard
3159670 Propaganda WWI German Shepherd Dog RED CROSS Peening
3159693 Caricature Propaganda WWI RED CROSS Before Shooting OLD
3105069 Postmark Russian RED CROSS Ekaterinburg infirmary
3145767 RUSSIA RED CROSS POSTMARK Kislovodsk hospital #6
275836 WWI Germany PROPAGANDA empress RED CROSS vintage PC
3159673 WWI German Shepherd Dog RED CROSS WoundedSoldier PAILER
3159681 Belgium Red Cross HORSE War ART NOUVEAU Vintage PC
3159674 WWI German Shepherd Dog RED CROSS by HEIDE Vintage PC
3159671 WWI German Shepherd Dog RED CROSS WoundedSoldier PAILER
275724 WWI Germany PROPAGANDA Wilhelm KAISER Charity RED CROSS
3132277 Russian Red Cross Propaganda WWI by Taburin Vintage PC
499513 Makowsky Vladimir MAKOVSKY Russian painter St.Eugenie Red Cross #4173
520576 RUSSIA Fyodor Ivanovich ZAKHAROV self-portrait St.Eugenie Red Cross #6080
401601 WWI CZECH BREZNICI in favor Red Cross 1915 year RPPC
3032404 WWI Red cross nurse communal grave by TABURIN Vintage
3159702 WWI German Shepherd Dog RED CROSS Dead Man Gerettet
439546 WWI GERMANY agitation Red Cross wounded soldier Vintage postcard
3159676 WWI German Shepherd Dog RED CROSS Gun by HEIDE Vintage
3159688 Propaganda WWI RED CROSS Your Honor or Life Luxemburg
3096886 WWI RUSSIAN RED CROSS PROPAGANDA by Vereschagin #1
3083743 RUSSIA military postmark RED CROSS infirmary #1716 PC
3159672 WWI German Shepherd Dog RED CROSS WoundedSoldier PAILER
3096656 POLAR campaign on dogs (Laikas) Vintage RED CROSS mark
408530 USSR 1963 Tyurin 100th Anniversary of the International Red Cross COVER
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