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Winter Park, Florida - Dine at the Candlelight Restaurant - in 1952
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Lynnfield, Massachusetts - Dine at the Ships Haven - in the 1950s
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Massachusetts Swampscott The New Ocean HOuse Restaurant Tiffany Lounge 1962
Howard Johnson's Host Of The Highways
Fergus Ark Restaurant Wilmington North Carolina
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Vermont Burlington Hotel Vermont Sugar House Grille Restaurant
France Gastronomie Bretonne Le Kouign Amann
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Spinning Wheel Restaurant Hinsdale Illinois Fred Harvey
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St. Louis, Missouri - Dine at the Missouri Room - Stix, Baer & Fuller Restaurant
Henrys For Foods Charleston South Carolina Unused c1939
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New York, NY - Grand Staircase to Ballroom De Luxe, Rector's Restaurant
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Apple Tree Folks Dinner House Restaurant Denver Colorado 1965
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Italian Garden Kaiserhof Hotel Chicago Illinois Used c1917
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New York, NY - Grill Room, The Roosevelt - Early 1900s
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Interior Restaurant, Hotel Amigo, Brussels, Belgium
Lafayette Grill Walterboro South Carolina Used c1937
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Skagway, AK - Grubstake Charlies - Pancake House, Gift Shop
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Germany Municj, Wirthshaus, zu Trieb, Restaurant
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Restaurant Tulli,Rome,Italy
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El Coyote Mexican Restaurant Los Angeles USA Plain Back Postcard
Connecticut East Haddam, The 0wl Coffee Garden Restaurant
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The Leaning Tower Of Pizza Pisa Restaurant USA Plain Back Postcard
Restaurant Stadtkeller,Lucerne,Switzerland
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P605 JLs vintage old cars colonial motel alternate hwy 66 gallup new mexico
P&O SS Himalaya Large Fold Out 1966 Ship Deck Restaurant Map
Restaurant L'auberge de Riquewihr,Le Reine Des Bieres D'Alsace,France
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Sweden House Smorgasbord Restaurants 1973
Maine Wiscasset Dodge Inn Restaurant
Pennsylvania Allentown Percy Brown's Cafeteria Restaurant
Pennsylvania Collegeville The Collegeville Inn Smorgasbord Restaurant
Sweden House Smorgasbord Restaurant Various Locations
Virginia Colonial Heights Danner's Motel and Restaurant
Maine Saco Cascade Lodge & Cabins & REstaurant
New Hampshire Meredith Hart's Turkey Farm Restaurant
New Jersey Atlantic City Captain Starn's Restaurant and Boating Center A...
New York Chicago Palmer House The Empire Dining Room
Pennsylvania Boiling Springs Allenberry Buffet Restaurant
New York Hamburg Lake View Hotel Home Of Smorgasbord Restaurant 1963
Maine Bar Harbor Testa's Hotel abd Restaurant
Florida Fort Lauderale The Ooriginal Tropical Acres Restaurant 1965
Chicago Illinois Palmer House Victorian Room Restaurant 1939
Advertising Muenchner Kalbshaxen At Mader's German Restaurant Milwaukee ...
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Spinning Wheel Restaurant Hinsdale Illinois Fred Harvey
Pennsylvania Boiling Springs Allenberry Buffet Restaurant
Illinois Chicago Henrici's Restaurant 1959
New Hampshire Keene The Red Roof Restaurant
Maine North Edgecomb The Dodge Inn Restauant
Pennsylvania Philadelphia Kugler's Chestnut Street Restaurant
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