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Pre-Chrome HIGH SCHOOL SCENE Rutland Vermont VT AG6715
Pre-Chrome WATERFALL SCENE Rutland Vermont VT AG4138
Linen POST OFFICE SCENE Rutland Vermont VT AF0898
Unused Pre-1980 ROCK GARDEN MOTEL Rutland Vermont VT s4535
Unused 1940's CHURCH SCENE Rutland Vermont VT p5112
Unused Pre-1980 CHURCH SCENE Rutland Vermont VT p3093
W-border LAKE SCENE Rutland Vermont VT AE4681
Unused 1940's COURT HOUSE Rutland Vermont VT n4327
Pre-1980 CHURCH SCENE Rutland Vermont VT AD1667
Pre-1907 BUILDING Rutland Vermont VT A0463
Pre-Chrome SKIING RESORT AREA IN SUMMER Rutland Vermont VT AG5390@
Unused Pre-1980 CHURCH SCENE Rutland Vermont VT L4070@
Unused Pre-1980 COURT HOUSE Rutland Vermont VT n4298@
Divided-Back CHURCH SCENE Rutland Vermont VT L6110
Pre-1980 LODGE SCENE Rutland Vermont VT J7432
Vermont Rutland Long Trail Lodge -Dining Room With Rock Garden Albertype
1928 Rutland Vermont Election John Agan River Street Postal Card Postcard
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1928 Rutland Vermont Election Nichols Street Postal Card Postcard
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1928 Rutland Vermont Election Hotel Hamilton Postal Card Postcard
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1928 Rutland Vermont Election Franklin Street Postal Card Postcard
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1928 Rutland Vermont Election Elm Street Postal Card Postcard
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1928 Rutland Vermont Election Leonard Street Postal Card Postcard
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1928 Rutland Vermont Election Nichols Street Postal Card Postcard
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1968 Rutland Vermont Church of Christ the King Postcard
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Depot, Vermont, Chester, RPPC, Rutland Railroad, Windsor County, Photo
Postcard BUILDING SCENE Rutland Vermont VT AU0478
Postcard BUILDING SCENE Rutland Vermont VT AU0479
Postcard MUSEUM SCENE Rutland Vermont VT AT6244
Postcard MONUMENT SCENE Rutland Vermont VT AR9411
Postcard FARM SCENE Rutland Vermont VT AR9690
Postcard PANORAMIC SCENE Rutland Vermont VT AR7165
Postcard HOSPITAL SCENE Rutland Vermont VT AR1938
Postcard HOUSE SCENE Rutland Vermont VT AR0265
POSTCARD SCENE Rutland Vermont VT AQ8116
Postcard BUSINESS ACTIVITY SCENE Rutland Vermont VT AQ4327
Postcard HOUSE SCENE Rutland Vermont VT AN7803
West Rutland VT, Marble Industry, Quarry Yard, Horse Drawn, 1907, German Litho
Postcard TOURIST ATTRACTION SCENE Rutland Vermont VT AM4678
Postcard MONUMENT SCENE Rutland Vermont VT AM5633
Postcard LIBRARY SCENE Rutland Vermont VT AM1521
Postcard AERIAL VIEW SCENE Rutland Vermont VT AL6072
Memorial Hall - Rutland, Vermont
Postcard PANORAMIC SCENE Rutland Vermont VT AK6437
Postcard WATER SCENE Rutland Vermont VT AI5086
Divided-Back POSTCARD FROM Rutland Vermont VT HM6465
Unused W-Border BUILDING SCENE Rutland Vermont VT H5511
1940's LODGE SCENE Rutland Vermont VT c5500
Unused Linen LODGE SCENE Rutland Vermont VT c5247
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