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Charente Maritime [17]
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Old Postcard Saintes Renaissance Staircase Street Berthonniere
Postcard Modern Saibtes Detail des Arenes and St Eutrope
Old Postcard Saintes L & # 39Arc Triumph of Germanicus
Modern Postcard Saintes Les Arenes Gallo Roman arches of detail and steeple S...
Modern Postcard Saintes L & # 39Eglise Saint Mary Dames
Modern Postcard Saintes Un Coin des Arenes In the background Tower of St Eutrope
Modern Postcard Saintes Eglise Saint Eutrope
Old Postcard Holy Roman Arenes Gallo Entree
Old Postcard Saintes Cathedral the Portal St Pierre
Modern Postcard Saintes A Corner arenas
Old Postcard Saintes L & # 39Arc De Triomphe De Germanicus
Old Postcard Saintes Facade and tower of I & # 39eglise St Eutrope
Old Postcard Saintes Facade and bell tower of the Cathedral St Pierre
Old Postcard Saintes Les Arenes Basically I Church
Old Postcard Saintes The Triumph Are
Postcard Old Saint Nectaire Chapiteau of the Resurrection The Holy Women at t...
Saintes Old Postcard L & # triumph 39arc
Modern Postcard Les Arenes De Saintes
Old Postcard The Bell Tower St Eutrope Saintes Cote Nord Est
Old Postcard Saintes L & # 39Arc De Triomphe De Germanicus
Old Postcard Arc de Triomphe Saintes
Postcard Saintes Old Bridge
Old Postcard Saintes Hotel De Ville
Old Postcard Saintes Panorama Tower And St. Peter
Old Postcard Saintes Gateway And The Belfry St Pierre
Old Postcard Saintes Masqueraded
Postcard Old Holy Arc De Triomphe
Modern Postcard Saintes Charente Maritime Gallo cites Roman Arch of Germanicu...
Old Postcard Saintes Library (Old Echevinage)
Modern Postcard Saintes Eglise Saint Pierre
Postcard Modern Cozes March Char Les Halles
Modern Postcard Saintes Les Arenes Gallo Roman
Postcard Modern Cozes Char Marit Church
Modern Postcard Saintes Charente Marit A bridge over the Charente
Old Postcard Saintes The Gallo Roman arenas vaults detail right steeple St Eu...
Modern Postcard Saintes Charente Maritime City Gallo Romaine
Old Postcard Holy Roman arenas galto monument
Old Postcard Saintes Cathedrale Saint Pierre XV century
Old Postcard Holy Church St Eutrope detail Capital
Postcard Old Holy Gate of the Church of the Abbey of the Ladies of N A powerf...
Old Postcard Saintes Arenes Gallo Roman I and II centuries monument
Old Postcard Saintes Ch Inf Ancient Roman arenas Gallo I and II centuries and...
Postcard Old Crypt Saintes Saint Eutrope Collateral south coast
Old Postcard Saintes Les Arenes and the steeple
Old Postcard Arenes Gallo Roman Saintes
Postcard Old Saintew General view of the Roman ruins of the Baths
Saintes Old Postcard L & # 39arc triumph of Germanicus
Postcard Saintes Old Courthouse
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