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Pays de la Loire
Sarthe [72]
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BF16279 la chapelle de la abbaye st pierre de solesmes france front/back image
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Postcard Benedictine Abbey of Solesmes The famous sculptures The four chaplains
Old Postcard Solesmes St. Mary Magdalene
Old Postcard Solesmes Saints Tomb of Our Lord Characters of burial
Old Postcard Solesmes Benedictine abbey Sculptures Characters of the burial o...
Old Postcard Solesmes Interior of ChapelleLes Four Chaplains
Old Postcard Solesmes Sarthe bridge over the Sarthe and the Vallee
Modern Postcard Solesmes Sarthe Aerial view
Old Postcard Solesmes
Postcard Modern Sarthe Solesmes Abbaye Saint Pierre on the banks of the Sarth...
Postcard Solesmes Abbey Our Lady of the Beautiful People & # 39ensevelissement
Solesmes Old Postcard General view and valley of the Sarthe
Postcard Solesmes Abbey and Bridge
Postcard Solesmes Abbey under the bridge
Solesmes - Abbey of Blessings Old Postcard
Solesmes Old Postcard Ancient abbey of Benedictine
Solesmes Old Postcard General view of & # 39abbaye and Sarthe valley
Old Postcard The Saints of Solesmes the Entombment of Christ in 1496 Transept...
Old Postcard The Saints of Solesmes St. Mary Magdalene 1496
Old Postcard The Saints of Solesmes Magdalen at the Tomb of Christ 1496
Old Postcard The Saints of Solesmes Witnesses of the burial of Notre Dame in ...
Old Postcard The Saints of Solesmes St. Peter XV century
Old Postcard The Saints of Solesmes the XV century Pieta
Old Postcard The Saints of Solesmes Mater Dolorosa 1496
Old Postcard The Saints of Solesmes Christ in the tomb in 1496
Old Postcard The Saints of Solesmes The Tomb of Christ 1496
Old Postcard Solesmes Abbey The Benedictine order of Banks of the Sarthe
Old Postcard Solesmes The Scriptorium
Old Postcard Solesmes Sarthe The abbey and the bridge over the Sarthe
Old Postcard L & # 39Abbaye St Pierre of Solesmes for the dam Sarthe
Old Postcard The refectory of St Peter & # 39abbaye Solesmes Sarthe
Postcard Benedictine Abbey of Solesmes the & # 39assomption
Postcard Abbey St Pierre de Solesmes Sarthe view of the hills in the & # 39ouest
Postcard Abbey St Pierre de Solesmes Sarthe North East View
Solesmes Old Postcard L & # 39abbaye view from the bridge
Postcard Solesmes Abbey L & # 39assomption details of Portraits & # 39artisan...
Old Postcard Solesmans Abbey of Benedictines
Old Postcard Solesmes Vue Generale From & # 39Abbaye And Valley De La Sarthe
Old Postcard Solesmes Abbey Blessings
Solesmes Old Postcard Ancient abbey of Benedictine Veu the chateau de la Grange
Old Postcard Solesmes Benedictine Abbey of The Scriptorium
Old Postcard Solesmes Vue Generale de L Abbaye and Vallee de la Sarthe
Old Postcard Solesmes Abbey of Benedictines
Solesmes - Abbey Church - Tomb of Christ - Old Postcard
Old Postcard Solesmes Abbey St. Peter Vallee de la Sarthe
Solesmes - Abbey - Inner Chapel Virgin - Old Postcard
Solesmes Old Postcard General view of & # 39abbaye and valley of the Sarthe
Solesmes Old Postcard Old Benedictine Abbey View from falling & # 39eau
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