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suriname, ALBINA, Gouverneurstraat (ca. 1899)
suriname, PARAMARIBO, Gravenstraat (1908) Stamp
suriname, PARAMARIBO, Multiview, Stone Building and Ice Factory (1899)
suriname, BOSLAND, Church with Native People (1901)
suriname, PARAMARIBO, Kerkplein, Reformed Church (1906)
suriname, BERG EN DAL, Panorama (1899) C. Kersten & Co.
suriname, Native Kottomissie in Party Dress, Costumes
suriname, PARAMARIBO, Telefoon Centrale (1953) ppc
suriname, Dutch Guyana, Bldg. Cabinet of the Governor
suriname, Movie The Spiral Road, Rock Hudson, Burning Indonesian Houses (1962)
497988 Suriname 1979 children Red Cross series souvenir sheet First day covers
497987 Suriname 1978 year cat series with souvenir sheet First day covers
suriname, PARAMARIBO, Wireless Station, Station der Draadloze Telegrafie (1920s)
suriname, PARAMARIBO, Entrance Fort Amsterdam (1899)
suriname, PARAMARIBO, Aerial View Harbour and Gravenstraat (1899) Postcard
suriname, PARAMARIBO, Saron Railway Station (1910s)
suriname, PARAMARIBO, Coronation Feasts, Public School Children (1898)
suriname, PARAMARIBO, Oranjestraat (ca. 1899) Globus
suriname, PARAMARIBO, Heerenstraat (1907)
suriname, PARAMARIBO, Gouvernements Hotel (1899)
suriname, PARAMARIBO, Heiligeweg with People (1908)
suriname, PARAMARIBO, Steengebouw, Steenbakkerijstraat, Ice Factory (1902)
suriname, CORONIE TOTTNES, Kokospalmen, Cocos Palm Trees (1910s) Stamp
suriname, PARAMARIBO, Maagdenstraat (1899)
suriname, PARAMARIBO, Binnenstad, Inner City (1927) C. Kersten & Co., Postcard
suriname, PARAMARIBO, Reformed Church (1932) Stamp
suriname, Dutch Guyana, PARAMARIBO, Teren Building 1915
suriname, PARAMARIBO, Maagdenstraat (1930s) Mission
suriname, Getting the Boat over the Suriname River (1940s) Mission
suriname, Native Kotto Missies in Traditional Dresses (1950s) RPPC
suriname, Native Maroon Village (1920s) Mission
suriname, PARAMARIBO, Stadhuis, Town Hall (1964) RPPC
suriname, PARAMARIBO, Convent Redemptorist Fathers 1899
suriname, PARAMARIBO, Coronation Feasts, Public School Children Singing (1898)
suriname, CLEVIA COMMEWIJNE, Mission Station, Church (1899)
suriname, PARAMARIBO, Mission Buildings of C. Kersten & Co. (1899)
suriname, PARAMARIBO, Maagdenstraat met Koningspalmen
suriname, PARAMARIBO, Heerenstraat (1904)
suriname, PARAMARIBO, Telephone and Post Office (1904)
suriname, WAGENINGEN, Panorama Houses (1950s) RPPC
suriname, PARAMARIBO, Steenbakkersgracht, Bokkobrug (1899)
suriname, PARAMARIBO, Free Evangelical Building (1899)
suriname, PARAMARIBO, Anton Dragtenweg (1950s) ppc
suriname, Nickerie, The Canal (1910s) Postcard
suriname, Raleighvallen, Ralley Falls (1950s) RPPC
suriname, PARAMARIBO, World War Monument (1950s) RPPC
suriname, PARAMARIBO, Cultureel Centrum (1955) RPPC
suriname, Native Woman with Children in Typical Dress, Costumes (1973) RP
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