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500417 USSR 1956 year Revolution Lithuania Kaunas match label
500408 FINLAND BEAR ADVERTISING Vintage match label
500407 FINLAND BEAR ADVERTISING Vintage match label
500397 LUX cigarettes ADVERTISING Vintage match label
500399 HUNGARY fire safety Cock Vintage match labels
500369 BULGARIA Karandila resort ADVERTISING Old match label
500370 DZA Coswig Vintage match label
500359 Czechoslovakia Jan Sverma Vintage match label
500338 BULGARIA TABSO Air line ADVERTISING Vintage match label
500340 BULGARIA TABSO Air line ADVERTISING Vintage match label
500327 BULGARIA Shumen beer ADVERTISING Vintage match label
500342 BULGARIA GABROVO ADVERTISING goods Vintage match labels
500305 GERMANY ADVERTISING Kaiserhof Essen Vintage match label
500297 GERMANY ADVERTISING Berlin Schumann Old match label
500302 GERMANY ADVERTISING Bunderhof Vintage match label
500295 GERMANY ADVERTISING restoran Medaillon Old match label
500290 HUNGARY Bird Turdus Philomelos Vintage match label
500283 HUNGARY Bird Picus Viridis Vintage match label
500279 HUNGARY Bird Lanius Minor Vintage match label
500269 GERMANY RINAS ADVERTISING Vintage match label
500267 GERMANY HIMMELREICH Vintage match label
500272 HEAD Vintage match label
500271 DIABONA ADVERTISING Vintage match label
500260 Tunisia DOUGGA Vintage match label
500255 FLOWER BASKET Vintage arabian match label
500251 N Foreign made Vintage match label
500247 PAGEANT Foreign made Vintage match label
500238 BRICKWOODS Foreign made Vintage match label
500241 SALMONS Foreign make Vintage match label
500242 GERMANY RIESA 1961 year Vintage match label
500224 PARAMOUNT Foreign made Vintage match label
500208 INDEX Vintage match label
500212 CAVE Austin & Co Foreign Vintage match label
500205 Czechoslovakia JACO ADVERTISING Black girl match label
500187 GERMANY WELT-HOLZER ADVERTISING Vintage match label
500174 GERMANY Frankfurt am Main Vintage match label
500169 GERMANY Riesaer Vintage match label
500161 USSR 1957 year Blagoveshchensk appeal scrap match label
500154 USSR 1964 year 8 March Women Day Turinsk match labels
500148 USSR 1958 year Hide matches from children match label
500150 USSR 1958 year Altai Barnaul match labels
500142 USSR 1958 y All-Union Census Altai Barnaul match labels
500052 LORSA BRASIL Vintage embossed cigar label
266976 EMIL WOLSDORFF Hamburg Vintage embossed cigar label
266956 GES.GESCH. HANDELSGOLD Vintage embossed cigar label
Advertising Patron Tequila
428128 coats of arms Vintage Friedrich Hindenburg Tobacco Card w/ ADVERTISING
428082 SPORT Olympiade 1932 ICE Hockey Sammelwerk Tobacco Card w/ ADVERTISING
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