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Artist Signed Maurice Milliere writing on back very minimal corner wear close...
"Jordi Baijet. Carro Vell.Old Cart" Fine art, painting, modern Spanish postcard
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Artist Signed Geerd 1941
Artist Schwetz Card 299 Wiener Werkstaette Wien Unused very close to mint con...
Artist Wellman Propaganda Anti Hitler Unused
Artist Signed Maud Humphrey Unused
Japan, Japanese Art, Artist, Unused
Nyla Thompson, Series 24 Reproduced Mouth Artist Unused
Grand Bazar DU Bon Marches, Guillaume Artist Gulluame Unused
Diner "A La Japonaise" Japan, Japanese Art Unused very light corner wear clos...
Children With Young Child In Dog Cart The First Outing Erste Ausfahrt
Lake Scene (16330
Artist Pearl Fidler LeMunyan (USA) Poster No. 55 Unused
Tapissserie Queen Mathilde Bayeux Old Postcard William and his barons are sit...
P.C. 117 Maud Humphrey (United States) Artist Signed Unused light wear top edge
Artist Nap Polo Unused
Old Postcard Paris Louvre Museum Raphael Sanzio Holy Family
Old Postcard Paris Louvre Museum Rembrandt Van Ryn St. Matthew the & # 39evan...
Old Postcard Salon 1903 Stephane Leroy
Old Postcard Chantilly Musee Conde The Serenades Watteau donor
Old Postcard Musee des Arts Decoratifs Bergere has ear wooden Louis XV
Old Postcard Musee des Arts Decoratifs British silver
Old Postcard Musee des Arts Decoratifs Walnut table Legs Peyre
Book of Durrow (24733
Old Postcard Rijksmuseum Amsterdam Armstoel
Old Postcard Musee des Arts Decoratifs bronze inlaid Louis XV commode
Old Postcard Labor Chair french Musee Cluny
'The Scullers' Painting, Tom Forrestall, Halifax, Nova Scotia Artist
Italy Italia Napoli Old Postcard Museo Nazionale Mercurie sedute
Italy Italia Milano Roma Vasari and Soldato Galio (Gallic soldier)
Old Postcard Fancy Jsraels Pecheurs shrimp
Old Postcard Ch Hoffbauer Triomphe D & # 39Un Condottiere
Old Postcard Amor Sacro e Tiziano Vecellio Profano Roma Galleria Borghese
Artist E. Colombo Series # 2426 writing on back
Old Postcard Musee du Luxembourg D Dampt St. John
Old Postcard Musee du Luxembourg Moreau The spinner
Old Postcard Louvre Museum Courbet Pres Arras lumberjills
Old Postcard Rigolot edges of & # 39Eure
Old Postcard J Holbein d j John Chambers
Old Postcard A van Dyck Prinz Ruprecht von der Wien Pflaz Kais Gemälde Galle...
Old Postcard Musee Du Louvre Delacroix Shipwreck of Don Juan
Old Postcard Exhibition of Heads & # 39Oeuvre of Pinacotheque Munich Botticel...
Old Postcard The Louvre Museum dairy Greuze
Postcard Old Greuze Girl Study for the & # 39accordee village Musee Conde Cha...
Old Postcard Prof E Cigarette Henseler Vater und Sohn
Old Postcard Royal Museum D & # 39Anvers Abil Grimmer Spring
Sketchings From A Hendschel's Sketchbook
Postcard Old Montfarville Visitation Church
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