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Centre (Val de Loire)
Indre et Loire [37]
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Postcard Old Wilson Bridge Tours
Postcard Old Tours general view
Postcard Old Tours Cathedrale Saint Gatien Central Nave and Choir
Postcard Old Tours Church St Julien La Rosette Transept Meridional
Postcard Old Tours View large Stone Bridge
Postcard Old Tours of Charlemagne Tower
Postcard Old Towers I and L General view to the Cathedral
Postcard Old City Hall Tours and Water Jets
Postcard Tours Old Courthouse Square Courthouse S E
Postcard Old Tours Cathedrale St Gatien XII and XVI centuries The main fa?ade...
Old Postcard Tours Indre et Loire Banks of the Loire The Cathedral and Stone ...
Old Postcard The Charlemagne Tower Tours
Postcard Old Tours Municipal Theater
Old Postcard The Cathedral Tours
Old Postcard The Cathedral Tours
Postcard Old Tours Entree du Cloitre the Psalette
Postcard Old Tours
Postcard Old Tours Cathedrale Saint Gatien
Postcard Old Pheasant Hotel Tours Chateau de Blois
Postcard Old Towers Hotel in Grouzille House Palliere Miss The Restaurant
Postcard Old Gate Towers Museum of entry
Postcard Old Tours New City Hotel
Postcard Old Tours Cloister of Psalette
Postcard Old Charlemagne Tower Tours
Postcard Modern Tours Orleans
Postcard Modern Tours General view The famous Stone Bridge
Postcard Modern Tours (Indre et Loire) The Cathedral (XVI century XIII)
Postcard Modern Tours cathedral and seen Musee night
Postcard Modern Tours Park Pr?bendes
Tours Old Postcard
Tours Old Postcard Municipal Theater
Tours Old Postcard General view of the Loire from the stone bridge of Saint G...
Tours Old Postcard Church of Saint Julien Interior
Tours Old Postcard Basilica Saint Martin
Tours Postcard Old Barracks and the Tour de Guise
Tours Old Postcard Facade of the Tristan house (animated) Curious constructio...
CPA TOURS - Maison des XII et XIII siécles Place Plumereau (227458)
Tours Old Postcard Bonaparte bridge over the Loire and towers and St Martin C...
CPA TOURS - L'Hotel Gouin (XVs.bati en 1440) par Jean de Xaincoings (299282)
CPA TOURS - La Cathedrale (279559)
Postcard Old Tours L and L Palace of Justice and the New City Hotel
CPA TOURS - La Maison de Jehan Galland argentier de Louis XI (227270)
Postcard Old Amboise Hotel Du Lion d'Or
Postcard Old Tours birds
Postcard Old Tours Place Jean Jaures
Postcard Old Towers Boulevard Beranger March Flower
Postcard Old Tours Vue Generale The South East District Stations
Tours Postcard Old City Hall
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