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Constantinople Turkey Galata Bridge Trolley Harbor Real Photo Postcard J47892
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RP: Constantinople.-La Pointe du Seray et la Tour de Leandre , Turkey , 00-10s
c1910's Postcard RPPC Photo Women Feeding Turkeys Scene Field Unposted Antique
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RPPC Topkapi Sarayi Muzesi Kubbealti Conseil des ministres TURKEY Postcard
RP; Constantinople (now Istanbul) , Turkey , 00-10s ; Gift of the Kaiser to ...
RPPC WW1 1916 Constantinople Turkiye Turkey Soldiers on Horseback Postcard
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RP, Sunset, Stamboul, Turkey, 1920-1940s
RP: Constantinople , Turkey , 00-10s : La Place Sultan-Ahmed, la Mosquee et l...
RPPC Constantinople, Istanbul Türkiye, Turkey - Eaux douces d' Asie Postcard
RP, Place De l´Hippodrome, Constantinople, Turkey, 1920-1940s
Istanbul Ataturk Bridge View From Suleymaniye Mosque Turkey RPPC Postcard 1951
RP, Yerebatans, Istanbul,Turkey, 1920-1940s
RPPC Türkiye Turkey Smyrne Parc de Bahribaba Vintage Postcard
421267 TURKEY to GERMANY 2008 year real posted COVER Postage meter
Real Photo - Vue des Eaux-Douces d"Asie Turkey Unused
Real photo - Mosquee de Sultan - Ahmed Turkey Unused
Real photo - Place de Top-Hane Turkey Unused
Real photo, Vue des Chatequx d"Europe et d"asie Turkey Unused
RP; AyaSofyaninici , Turkey , 20-30s
468279 Turkey Goreme 1995 year RPPC to Switzerland postcard
RPPC Türkei Turkey Istanbul Sultan Ahmet dahili Postcard
RP: Istanbul , Turkey , 50-60s Golden Mosque , Galata Bridge
RPPC Topkapi Sarayi Muzesi - Ahmet I tahti ISTANBUL Turkey Postcard
RP, Gateway To Sultan's Palace, Stamboul, Turkey, 1920-1940s
RP: ISTANBUL , Turkey , 1910-30s
1928 Mosquee Yeni Diami (Valide) Istanbul Turkey Posted RPPC Photo Postcard
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B108056 turkey Istanbul The Galata Tower, Golden Horn Tour real photo uk
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RP: ISTANBUL , Turkey , 1910-30s ; Yerebatans
1940s Wild Turkeys White Mountains Springerville Arizona RPPC Postcard 20-9136
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RP; CONSTANTINOPLE, Turkey, 1910s; Ambassade d'Allemagne Therapia
BR73274 musee des porcelaines topkapi sarayi muzesi real photo turkey istanbul
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RP: Constantinople , 1910s ; Kaiser Memorial
RP, Vue Panoramique Du Port, Constantinople, Turkey, 1920-1940s
BF2362 s s ship bateaux kraljica marija real photo gallipoli turkey
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RP; CONSTANTINOPLE, Turkey, 1910s; Baie de Therapia (Bosphore)
Istanbul Turkey Bosphore River Boating Real Photo Postcard AA68105
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Constantinople Turkey Turkish Women Real Photo Vintage Postcard AA68106
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RP Oceanliner beyond castle walls, Jst. Rumelihisari, Turkey 30-50s
RP, Mosquee Sultan Ahmed Et l'Hippodrome, Constantinople, Turkey, 1920-1940s
RP, Sultan Ahmet Camii, Istanbul, Turkey, 1920-1940s
c1920's Ministere De La Guerre Stamboul Turkey RPPC Photo Vintage Postcard
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RP, Sainte Sophie, ISTANBUL AYASOFYA, Turkey, PU-1950
RP, The Hippodrome, Stamboul, Turkey, 1920-1940s
RP: ISTANBUL , Turkey , 1930-40s ; Suleymaniye Camii
Lot145 Ortakoy mosque bogazici istanbul turkey real photo
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RP: Constantinople , Turkey , 00-10s ; Mosquee de Dolma-Bagtche au Bosphore
RP; Constantinople , Turkey , 00-10s Port de Bosphore
Springerville Arizona Wild Turkeys White Mtns 1930s RPPC Photo Postcard 21-5770
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