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Postcard Modern Citta del Vaticano Basilica di Pietre S
Italy - Roma (Rome), Vatican City. Palaces & St Peter's from Vatican Gardens
Postcard Modern Cita del Vaticano Basilica of St Pierre La Pitie Michelangelo
Italy - Roma (Rome), Vatican City. Pope Pius X in the Vatican Garden
Postcard Modern Citta del Vaticano fire Bourg (Raphael)
Postcard Modern Citta del Vaticano
Postcard Modern Citta del Vaticano The school of Athens (Raphael)
Postcard Modern Citta del Vaticano
Postcard Modern Citta del Vaticano Internal
Postcard Modern Musei Del Vaticano Galleria delle Statue Arianna
Postcards Modern Citta del Vaticano Cappella Sistina
Postcard Modern Citta del Vaticano Basilica of St Pierre La Pitie Michelangelo
Postcard Modern Citta del Vaticano Basilica of St. Peter
440885 Vatican 1953 RPPC to Monaco Rome Basilica San Pietro commemorative stamp
Postcard Modern Citta del Vaticano Basilica of St. Peter
441259 Vatican 1984 year RPPC to Germany special cancellation advertising
Postcard Modern Cita del Vaticano
450851 Vatican 1965 maximum card UN building New York special cancellation
440974 Vatican 1966 RPPC to Germany commemorative stamp Cefalu Closter Cathedral
448187 Vatican 1967 Pope Paolo open Bisops Synod special cancellations COVER
448193 Vatican 1982 year FDC Pope Giovanni Paul II
467728 Vatican 1958 year pope Giovanno XXII
439808 Vatican City Picture gallery 1934 year postcard
448189 Vatican 1980 year FDC Pilgrimage of Pope Giovanni Paul II
448186 Vatican 1966 visit Pope Paolo VI to Florence special cancellations COVER
439809 Vatican City Square of the Grotto of Lourdes 1934 year postcard
441146 Vatican 1976 St. Peter's Basilica RPPC to Germany advertising
450857 Vatican 1982 year POSTAL stationery Vatican buildings
450853 Vatican 1982 POSTAL stationery special cancellations Vatican buildings
450852 Vatican 1982 year POSTAL stationery Vatican buildings
439807 Vatican City Fontana del Salice 1934 year postcard
442323 Vatican St. Peter's Church tourist advertising Old postcard
450862 Vatican 1989 year POSTAL stationery Vatican buildings
421946 Vatican 1963 year Coronation Pope Paul VI First Day COVER
468272 2010 RPPC Germany Italy Rome Vatican St.Peter Square Variable value stamp
Old Postcard Citta del Vaticano Cappelle Sistina Botticelli The Punishment of...
450861 Vatican 1989 year POSTAL stationery Vatican buildings
450859 Vatican 1983 year POSTAL stationery Vatican buildings
448192 Vatican 1981 year FDC
Postcard Modern Citta del Vaticano
450855 Vatican 1982 year POSTAL stationery Vatican buildings
Postcard Modern Citta del Vaticano
450856 Vatican 1982 POSTAL stationery special cancellations Vatican buildings
Postcard Modern Citta del Vaticano
422044 ITALY to VATICAN 1981 year Centuries Pope Giovanni XXIII COVER
Postcard Modern Citta del Vaticano
Postcard Modern Citta del Vaticano
450858 Vatican 1983 year POSTAL stationery Vatican buildings
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