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Bourgogne (Burgundy)
Yonne [89]
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Postcard Old Church Vermenton
Postcard Old Vermenton The Abbey of Reigny
Postcard From Old Vermenton Abbey Regny
CPA Vermenton - Le Port (658398)
CPA VERMENTON - La Rue Nationale (658381)
CPA Vermenton - La Cure (658404)
CPA VERMENTON - La Mairie (658285)
Postcard Old Vermenton chapel baptismal font
Postcard Old Vermenton Yonne General North West taking view
CPA VERMENTON - L'Entrée de la Ville en arrivant de CRAVANT (656963)
CPA VERMENTON - Avenue de la Gare (658368)
CPA VERMENTON - Centre du Pays (658389)
CPA VERMENTON - Le Pont du Canal (658364)
CPA VERMENTON - La Justice de Paix et la Rue Nationale (658402)
CPA VERMENTON - Grande Rue (658391)
Postcard Old Vermenton Chapel Baptismal fonts
Postcard Modern Vermenton (Yonne) The Banks of the Cure
CPA VERMENTON - Route Nationale (656961)
CPA Vermenton - Le Cure (656973)
Postcard Old Vermenton Vue Generale
Postcard Modern Vermenton Yonne The dam on the Cure
CPA VERMENTON - Vue générale (658397)
Old Postcard Around Vermenton Yonne views of the rocks and the Cure Saint More
Postcard Old Vermenton Yonne Vue Generale
Old Postcard The Valley of the Cure Vermenton (Yonne) The General de Gaulle s...
Postcard Old Tower Vermenton
Old Postcard Jack Vermenton View On The Center Of The City
CPA Vermenton - La Route Nationale FRANCE (960976)
Postcard Modern Vermenton Yonne General view of the Church
Postcard Modern Vermenton (Yonne) The Banks of the Cure
Postcard Old Church Serbonnes
Postcard Old Vermenton (Yonne) Church of Our Lady Portal
CPA Vermenton - Le Pont du Chemin de Fer FRANCE (960979)
Old Postcard Vermenton (Yonne) The Cure
Postcard Old Vermenton Vue Generale
CPM Vermenton (20518)
CPM Vermenton Vue aerienne (20532)
CPA Vermenton - Eglise Notre-Dame FRANCE (960967)
CPA VERMENTON - La Grande-Rue (108465)
CPA Vermenton - Vue prise du Canal FRANCE (960973)
CPA Vermenton - Ancienne Abbaye de Reigny FRANCE (960970)
CPA Vermenton - Route Nationale FRANCE (960977)
CPA VERMENTON - Place Jean-Jaures (124677)
CPA VERMENTON YONNE - vue générale (124676)
CPM VERMENTON Hostellerie Le Moulinot - Le Lac et la Cure (1196494)
VERMENTON - Vallée de la Cure - Hôtel de l'Espérance - très bon état
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CPA VERMENTON Le Meridien (1195999)
VERMENTON - Atelier de Tricage - très bon état
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