Complete Overhaul - Scary!

Howdy doody -

Just did a complete overhaul, before the number of items posted got unwieldy. Downloaded all my items via .CSV, tried to update the items by then making changes to the .CSV file, uploaded it again and found out it's not perfect.

Had to change at least 10 items and some didn't even take after I edited them. Some items didn't update properly.

Sooooooooo... Had the downloaded .CSV file, deleted all of my items online, then uploaded the changed .CSV file. Still not perfect, but it saved me a crapload of time editing those items one by one. A scary venture, taking an admin's word that it would work and losing all the time putting them up in the first place. But it did work, about 95% of the way.

I was not too enthused that the default image that replaced some of mine was about Russian Cosmonauts. Really funny at this time in our world. NOT! I don't know where that came from, but the admins could put a generic picture up instead of controversial country. I have no problem with the Cosmonauts themselves, but do with Russia. (I won't get into that here. I'll leave that to Facebook, where there's plenty of kooks and goons to shake up.)

One thing I was concerned about, but it seemed to work, was offering free postage for specific numbers of cards. At least that fixed the problem I had before. Not only that, since when you change General Listing settings, it doesn't allow previous posted items to be updated if you change the infamous text boxes about shipping and so forth.

Finally done, after about 2 hours of work, deleting extra text, fixing pictures and then scrolling through 5 pages of cards, all looks well.

If you come across an item without a proper front or back, please let me know. The key here is that you'll see Russian Cosmonauts in place of the correct scan. An easy find.

Ahhhhhhh... finally. It seems that most posts are from 2021 - 2023 and it appears that many people have abandoned ship. Auctions sites seem to be a thing of the past - because if prices go up, I'd rather toss them in the circular file than deal with the ever expanding greed we see on some of them. Here it's not bad - yet.

I doubt many people will see this, read it, and maybe I might get 1 - 2 replies. I know I'll get a "view" every time I open the message, so I know the count stinks and is not right.

Have a good night, if anyone is here... we'll keep the light on for you. :^)


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Hi -

    Sorry for removing the "views" and "watchers" from my current cards posted. I needed to do an overhaul to make everything evened out. It would have taken more than the time I spent to do them one by one.

    It won't happen again, unless something drastic happens. Thanks for your looking so far and some purchases.

  • edited September 2024 1 LikesVote Down
    With all of the increases in postage, fees and all, I may need to do this too.... and dreading it.... Glad to see it worked for you... As for this area..... Not sure even the Hip people look at this. Hope for the American Philatelic Society who switched their sales portal to HipStamp, that they are getting better service than we are....

    Bueller?? Bueller??
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