So... should I make the switch?

Debating a move from eBay over here. Are folks really selling that much over here? Is it worth it to create a store, and/or run things with auctions with the fees here versus eBay? Thoughts everybody??


  • 11 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We switched over in 2018-- absolutely NO REGRETS.
  • Switched over this year and have had more sales in the last 6 months than a whole year on eBay.
  • I haven't sold much but haven't had time to put the effort in it but I will be sticking here and listing more as I have time because I'm happy with them -- just wished they and sixbit would get together
  • Not sure what you guys are selling, but even though hip is worth having eBay outsells hip about 10 to 1.
    Also with the 85,000 listings for $300 on eBay now it is a no brainer.
  • @Martin Glaenzer If you have 51k or less listings doing the Premium at $60 is better. You get the 1k + 50k permanent promo now. I don't get a lot of sales on Hip just yet but I have it auto sync my eBay listings to here.
  • As a buyer, I greatly prefer Hip for the ease of being able to search for postcards only. On eBay if the word I am searching for are generic I have to scroll thru tons of unrelated items. Quicker to check out and all around easier to use.
  • i had been selling on Ebay since 2002. I think they are catering to the big listers. As i dropped down in my sizce store less and less views and sales. More sales over there on Ebay but more listers meaning less per lister. I had been over here a couple of times and tested a couple of years ago...but closed my Ebay last month and am going to use here and Etsy only. I love their listing here.
  • Well, I took the jump and I now have a store here. Not a whole lot of listings yet, but I will be adding more and more all the time ( So far, hardly any activity, so I am a little skeptical, but I will give it a year and see how it goes. I don't have the inventory some of these other folks have, but even then, I would expect I should generate a decent, not earth shattering amount of sales. Anybody out there want to take a look and give me a few pointers???
  • Mitch, welcome to Hip Postcard. Yes, it will take about a year for buyers to find you, so that is being reasonable.

    Looked at your store and a good plus is you have added the back of the card. Lots of buyers really like to see the reverse.

    I have a tendency to want to scan with a contrasting background. I use pink or yellow a lot, depending on my mood I might use green. I see you have a white background with white borders on some cards. I can't really tell the condition of the edges, but please remember, this is only my humble opinion and it is your option for the color of the background.

    Good start to your store.
    dianealthea's Little Shop of Postcards
  • Welcome aboard. I'm more concentrated on HipStamp myself, but do keep a few hundred cards for sale here. Sales have been sporadic, but enough to keep me satisfied. I have several thousand cards I could list, but my HipStamp and eBay endeavors leave me little time to do much here. So much for having more free time in retirement.
    It appears you're well on the way. One thing I would suggest regardless of whether or not you use colored backgrounds, would be to include more room around your postcards in your scans. On some that I looked at, the images were cropped either right at the edge of the cards or even into the cards a bit. As Luree mentioned, buyers want to be able to evaluate corners and edges.
    Hang in there...once you get a large selection of cards and buyers start to find your store, sales should pick up. Good luck!

  • Thanks! So far, so good. A few sales already and I don't have everything I want on here. Some of the cards I am listing now I scanned a while back and I discovered a bit too late an issue with my scanner, so now I move the card ever so slightly off the edge before scanning. I scan all the stamps I sell with a black background (everything goes in stock pages before scanning). I will likely experiment with that with some of the cards coming up. Not sure how it will effect my scanning process though (I am using some auto cropping tools to speed up the process a bit with my scanner). Will see how it goes. Thanks for the feedback. Will try some of these things. I actually am trying to set myself up for something to do in retirement with this, so George, would love to hear more about that.....
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