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Lauraine Murphy Restaurant - Manhasset, New York NY
Great Neck New York Lauraine Murphy Restaurant Vintage Postcard K40686
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NY, Manhasset, LI, New York, Lauraine Murphy Restaurant, Hannau Pub No 13647
Lauraine Murphy Restaurant - Great Neck, New York NY
Long Island New York Lauraine Murphy Restaurant Photochrome Vintage PC U6167
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J16/ Manhasset Long Island New York Postcard Chrome Lauraine Murphy 129
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Manhasset Long Island New York Lauraine Murphy Antique Postcard K38999
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Lauraine Murphy Restaurant - Manhasset, New York
Lauraine Murphy Restaurant - Great Neck, New York
M-65800 Lauraine Murphy Restaurants Manhasset New York
Lauraine Murphy Restaurant, Manhasset, L.I., New York
Unused Pre-1980 LAURAINE MURPHY RESTAURANT Long Island - Manhasset NY p6673@
Lauraine Murphy Restaurants, Long Island, New York, Vintage 1956 Chrome Postcard
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Vintage Postcard Lauraine Murphy Restaurant Pleasant Custom Long Island New York
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United States Lauraine Murphy Restaurant 1964
Unused Pre-1980 LAURAINE MURPHY RESTAURANT Long Island - Manhasset NY p6612@
Vintage Postcard Laurine Murphy Restaurants Northern Boulevard Long Island NY
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America Postcard - Lauraine Murphy Restaurant - Manhasset - New York ZZ2692
c1950's Laurine Murphy Restaurant Roadside Manhasset Long Island NY Postcard
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Lauraine Murphy Restaurant - Manhasset, New York NY
Great Neck Long Island New York 1957 Postcard Lauraine Murphy Restaurant
c1950's Laurine Murphy Restaurant Manhasset Long Island New York NY Postcard
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Lauraine Murphy Restaurant - Manhasset, New York NY
Lauraine Murphy Restaurant - Manhasset, New York NY
Lauraine Murphy Restaurant - Manhasset, New York NY
Lauraine Murphy Restaurant - Manhasset, New York NY
Lauraine Murphy Restaurant - Manhasset, New York NY
Lauraine Murphy Restaurant - Manhasset, New York NY
Manhasset Long Island New York Lauraine Murphy Restaurants Exterior PC JE359712
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Lauraine Murphy Restaurant - Manhasset, New York NY
Manhasset New York Lauraine Murphy Restaurant Interior Vintage Postcard K40689
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Lauraine Murphy Restaurant - Manhasset, New York NY
Manhasset L.I. New York dining room Lauraine Murphy Restaurant vintage pc Z18471
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Lauraine Murphy Restaurant - Manhasset, New York
Long Island New York Lauraine Murphy Restaurants Exterior, Photochrome PC U3694
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Lauraine Murphy Restaurant - Manhasset, New York
Manhasset Long Island New York Lauraine Murphy Restaurants Interior PC JE359711
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Lauraine Murphy Restaurant - Manhasset, New York
Lauraine Murphy Restaurant in Manhasset, New York
Lauraine Murphy Restaurant in Manhasset, New York
Lauraine Murphy Restaurant in Manhasset, New York
Lauraine Murphy Restaurant, Manhasset, L.I., New York
Lauraine Murphy Restaurant, Manhasset, L.I., New York
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