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US Pc2952 Pocono Mountains of PA
Italy PC10
US Pc2917 Joint Session of Congress
US Pc2392 Federal Courthouse, Erie, PA
US Pc3187 View of Avalon, Catalina Island, CA
US Pc1691 General Motors Building, Detroit, MI
US Pc2371 1900 Governess Cart
US Pc4919 Washington Monument, Washington, DC
US Pc3559 1988 Pontiac LE Mans Aerocoupe, Mirabile Pontiac AD
US Pc3925 Dream Lake & Hallet'S Peak, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado
US Pc2897 Northwestern Corner of Illinois
US Pc2879 Stairway, Teller House Central City, CO
US Pc2867 Statue of Christ, MT Vernon Canyon, CO
US Pc2866 the Face on the Barroom Floor, Teller House
US Pc2864 Highway U.S. 40 & 6, Colorado
US Pc5302 Greetings From Mount Pleasant, PA
US Pc2859 Denver Skyline and Calfax AVE
US Pc2454 Onstott Cooper Shop, New Salem State Part, Petersburg, ILL
US Pc2438 Chadwich ST, Haverhill, Mass
Venezuela Pc416 Caracas Hilton
US Pc2412 Mooring Basis at Nahcotta, Wash Center of Oyster Industry
US Pc1630 Soldiers' & Sailors' Monument, New York City
Italy PC22
US Pc974 Norfolk & Western Railway Station in Bristol, VA
Italy PC37
Pc6342 Will Rogers State Park, Pacific Palisades, Calif
US Pc2010 Standard OIL Building, Chicago, ILL
US Pc1607 MT Vernon Lodge, Ocala, FL
US Pc2970 Makaha Sunset, Golf Course, Oahu, HI
US Pc2937 Barge Ride on the Delaware Canal, Pennsylvania
US Pc2965 Mount Vernon, VA
US Pc2682 Eagle Harbor High House, Lake Superior
US Pc2926 Nicholson Bridge, Penn.
US Pc2921 Keystone Shortway, Interstate 80
US Pc2953 Penn-Stroud Hotel, Stroudsburg PA
US Pc1982 Marion County Court House, Salem Oregon
US Pc2374 1920 Stutz Bearcat
US Pc3181 Paradise Valley Guest Ranch, Scottsdale, AZ
US Pc1685 Penobscot Building, Detroit, MI
US Pc4008 Bingham Copper Mine, Utah
US Pc2902 BIG SKY Country, Montana
US Pc4887 the 1896 House, Restaurant on the Mountain, Suffern, NY
US Pc2369 Children'S Hearse
US Pc2363 Echo River in Mammoth Cave, KY
US Pc5304 Orbiting Space Station
US Pc1398 Edmonton Transit System #113 Trolley BUS
US Pc2452 Lincoln Monument, Oakridge Cemetery, Sprinfield, ILL
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