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dorrina1 : majoring mostly Postal History of the Holyland, Israel and the Middle East. Here you will also find Judaica postcards and other Judaica collectable items.
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Jerusalem Street in the old City Palestine Israel Jewish Judaica photo postcard
Palestine Galilea Merry Christmas and Happy new year ARABIC Amman Jordanien
Jaffa - Road Between Orange Groves Palestine photo postcard Printed in England
Lot 10 Palestine postcards New and used Jerusalem Bethlehem Jaffa
Israeli Pilots Military Parade Day PC Israel army Soldier ZAHAL IDF judaica
Wailing Wall Jerusalem Israel Jewish Judaica postcard - photo Rex
Danseuse juive - Jewish Judaica color postcard no. 76
BORDER POLICE - Soldiers Parade Day Military Israel army ZAHAL IDF judaica PC
FRENCH LEVANT Jerusalem Palestine Postmark on judaica jewish Postcard
Shana Tova - Jewish new year Judaica postcard Published in the NY USA
Girl Soldiers Israel Army Military ZAHAL IDF judaica
Shana Tova Kibbutzs lot 8 Jewish Judaica postcards Israel 1960-1987
Haifa 1936 British Mandate Air Mail from Palestine photo postcard to France
Photo postcard of class school in Israel 1966 jewish judaica 9x14cm
Juives - Jewish Judaica woman color juive postcard no 92
Tel Aviv 1922 - Jehuda Halewy St. PC Edit Eliahu Bros. Israel Palestine Judaica
Jerusalem Palestine photo postcard by W. Thiele - Germany Templer Colony ?
jew from Morocco - Jewish Judaica juif postcard send to France
Israel 1989 4 Maximum postcards FDC - DUCKS DUCK
PALPHOT Tank Military postcard Israel army ZAHAL IDF judaica
Palestine Lot 4 postcard Capernaum Bethlehem Haifa Israel
Army Police Women Soldiers Parade Day Military PC Israel army ZAHAL IDF judaica
Bethlehem Palestine postcard 1907 - send from Zurich Switzerland
Jerusalem Islam El Aksa Mosque Omar Palestine Israel Postcard - Muslim 1920...
To The Synagogue - Jewish Judaica PC - Art postcard
1909 Jewish Judaica postcard - J Boussuge Casablanca TUGOT Jeune Dandy Hebreu
Femme Juive Syrienne - Jewish woman from Sy ria Judaica postcard
Israel lot Collection of 6 postcards Jewish Judaica juif in Jerusalem
1906 Wailing Wall Jerusalem postcard Jewish Judaica Palestine PC Bournemouth UK
Shana Tova - Jewish New Year Judaica postcard W.R.B & Co Vienne Austria
Rabbi Reform Jewish woman - Jewish Judaica juive in Synagogue photo 8.5x13.5cm.
BEERSHEBA - Israel photo postcard Palphot no. 855
Polnische Judentypen Typy zydoroskie Gottlieb pinx - Jewish Judaica postcard ART
Maroc L'epicier Israelite - Jewish man's grocery store Judaica post...
Jewish Judaica Painter J.W. Schirmer no. 25 - Verstossung Hagar's b/w po...
Haifa Ottoman Palestine Germany Templer Colony DEUTSCHE KOLONIE postcard
Jerusalem 1905 Austria Levant post in Palestine postcard - Antoine Sfeir No. 7
JOM KIPUR Lesen der Tora - Jewish Judaica postcard P.G.I.F. gas gesch No. 33
Theodor Herzl vintage original Palestine Israel postcard Jewish Judaica
Une Femme Kurde - Kurdistan Kurdish woman postcard published in Teheran Iran
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WIESBADEN (HESSE) Germany Synagogue Jewish Judaica postcard from France 1926
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1907 NIMES France Synagogue - Jewish Judaica postcard posted
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Theodor Herzl - Herzl's children Jewish Judaica photo postcard Publisher...
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Jaffa 1914 - Russia 20PARA stamp Levant post Office in Palestine Haifa postcard
Shana Tova Degania - Israel Jewish new year Judaica postcard
Paratroopers Soldiers Parade Day Military Israel army ZAHAL IDF judaica Postcard
Old Synagogue at Bar'am 1955 - Israel judaica postcard
Bezalel - Silhouette Gur-Arie "MORNING SONG" 1933 Jerusalem Palestine Judaica
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